August 2022


BOARD MEETING – August 16, 2022 


The meeting was called to order by Brain Dasinger, President at 5:30 p.m. at the office of Lynn McConnell, 101 Fly Creek Avenue Suite 320, Fairhope, Alabama.


Five (5) Board members were present, namely Brian Dasinger, Matt Chunn, Heather Hickox, GiGi Lott and Lynn McConnell. Three homeowners, Bill Sims, Joey Skaff and Vince McConnell, were in attendance.


Proof of due notice of meeting was verified as signs with date, time and location were posted at both entrances to Sandy Ford more than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. Notice was also provided through the Facebook page and through neighborhood email blast.


The Minutes of the February 22, 2022 Meeting were distributed via email to the Board members. The minutes were unanimously approved and will be posted on the website.


President (Brain Dasinger)– No report.

Vice President (Matt Chunn) – No report.

Treasurer (GiGi Lott) –

  • Oral Presentation of Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement as of July 31, 2022
  • One late fee for annual dues is outstanding. After discussion the Board unanimously decided to add the late fee of $50 to that homeowner’s 2023 dues.
  • One homeowner has not paid 2022 annual dues and a lien is due to be filed. Lynn McConnell will handle preparation and recordation of the lien and sending a copy of recorded lien to homeowner.
  • The Board discussed the amount of transfer fees and the documentation supplied to the title companies when a house is sold. The transfer fee is currently $25, collected by the title company, and ensures that the SFPOA has the new homeowner’s contact information. Lynn McConnell made a motion to increase the transfer fee to $50 effective
  • September 1, 2022 to generate additional revenue, the motion was seconded by Brian Dasinger and the other three Board members voted in favor of the Motion.

Secretary (Lynn McConnell) 

  • Actions discussed by and voted on via Board group email will be compiled and added to the minutes of the next Board meeting.

ARC – No report.

Landscape Committee (Joey Skaff) –

  • Anne Chandler will now serve on the Landscape Committee. Chantel Huddleston no longer resides in Sandy Ford. The website will need to be updated to reflect this change and to add Sandy Stephan as a Landscape Committee member.
  • The Landscape Committee sought approval of Rose’s Tree Service estimate of $2,800 to remove dead and dangerous pines in the common area to the right of 200 Cumberland Road. Via email the Board approved this expense. The work will begin soon.
  • Discussion of front entrance landscaping, the need for a sidewalk that extends to Clubhouse Drive and the possible addition of some type of surface on the corner of the entrance off of and exit to Clubhouse Drive to prevent landscape damage. The Board all agreed to look into the requirements necessary for the construction of the sidewalk.
  • The Landscape Committee approved the work at the corner of Cumberland and Cuscowilla. An ARC request for additional work is expected.
  • Treatment (fertilizers etc.) of common areas is necessary up to four times a year. The information and estimate will be emailed to the Board for consideration.

Social/ Sunshine Committee (Nancy Hawkins via email)

  • Printing Approval was requested to move forward with new directory. Request granted by the Board in prior email communication. In the next few weeks Nancy will be sending out an email and post on Facebook page with regard to the directory.
  • Sandy Ford Facebook page being updated. Residents no longer living in neighborhood are being deleted.
  • Many residents have requested to have Fall Bash. Current owners of house on the corner of South Drive and Sandy Ford Road have given permission to host/anchor party at their yard/house. Nancy is getting names of volunteers. Nancy requested a budget for the event and the Board approved a $5,000 budget. Nancy is considering Sunday October 30th or November 5th.
  • The stop sign was replaced at corner of Cuscowilla Lane and Sandy Ford Road.
  • The stop sign on Camden Way and Sandy Ford Road was fixed.
  • GiGi Lott presented update on fence repairs between home on Cumberland and home on Oakbend Court. The Board received a letter that said they were working on it, and they needed more than 60 days to complete the repairs. The Board approved a thirty-day extension.


  • As noted in email to neighborhood three battery operated security cameras have been installed in the neighborhood. The batteries burn out quickly. There was a discussion about installing wired cameras at entrances. The Board will compile information and options to present at annual meeting.
  • Bill Sims expressed concern about speeding on Cumberland Road and Sandy Ford Road. Discussion of speed bumps and stop signs occurred. The Board will have options for solution to discuss at annual meeting.
  • Bill Sims questioned the lack of weekly common area grass cutting. Joey Skaff reported that the landscapers acknowledged the weather affected their ability to complete this on a weekly basis
  • Brian Dasinger believes the Board should continue to consider the transfer of the common area on the corner of Cumberland Road and Keplar to the homeowner as a cost savings measure and he will continue discussions with the homeowner.
  • The Board received an email from Keith Hofmann concerning drainage issue raised by Bill Douglass that affects the common area and backyards of residents on South Drive. Patrick Hickox will look at the area with Keith to discuss options such as a trench/channel with rocks on the common area or just to address where it is pooling at the bottom of the hill adjacent to Sandy Ford Road. Keith offered to look at the area adjacent to Sandy Ford Road that Braxton had quoted on but believes that Braxton’s quote is too high for the amount of work that needs to be done to alleviate the issue.
  • Via email Keith Hofmann asked the Board to remind homeowners that parking on grass, parking boats and trailers in driveways for extended periods and parking on the street overnight is not permitted. Reminder should be sent to neighborhood about Complaint and Fine procedures.
  • Via email Keith Hofmann noted the erosion on the common area just west of the north pond and other areas in the neighborhood where dirt and debris accumulate in the gutters. Joey Skaff indicates that sod should be installed on that hill by the north pond. The Board agreed that homeowners should be reminded not to place or have yard crews place loose grass clippings or other yard debris in the curbs especially in front of or on top of a drain.
  • Board needs to begin preparation for annual meeting in November.

No further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. The next Board meeting will be held on September 20, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. at Lynn McConnell’s office.

December 2021

Annual Sandy Ford Meeting Minutes



I. President Brian Dasinger called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. In addition to Brian Dasinger, Matt Chunn, Heather Hickox, GiGi Lott, Lynn McConnell, Nancy Hawkins, Joey Skaff and Kenny Hanak were present. 


II. After discussion it was agreed without opposition that the Board positions for 2022 would be as follows: 

Brian Dasinger – President 

Matt Chunn – Vice President 

GiGi Lott – Treasurer 

Lynn McConnell – Secretary 

Heather Hickox – At Large 


III. Board Reports

Patrick Collins continues his representation of the SFPOA in connection with discussions with a resident’s attorney concerning a covenant violation. 

Drainage issues continue to be a problem and possible solutions were discussed. 

IV. Committee Reports 

  • Landscape Committee Joey Skaff reported that tree work would be performed by Braxton’s Landscaping and Lawn Care at a cost of $4,325 on the common area on Poplar to remove leaning tree and diseased trees and to limb up trees at front entrance. Access issues on Poplar caused an increase in the price. There was a discussion of care and maintenance of common areas including placement of zoysia sod at a cost of $2,000. Joey proposed renewal of Braxton’s contract for another year and the Board unanimously agreed to do so. The continuity of services and the company’s availability beyond scheduled maintenance benefits the neighborhood. Joey may send a questionnaire to residents to gage interest in redoing island and two areas at the entrance to the neighborhood from Clubhouse Drive.


  •  Pond Committee – No Report 
  • Architectural Review Committee Ralph Murph who owns a lot on Camden Way is presenting an ARC form request and check
  • Sunshine and Social Committee Nancy Hawkins provided a Report about the upcoming Christmas Parade to take place on December 19th in collaboration with the Rock Creek POA and the Eastern Rock Creek POA. Options for neighborhood adult activities and a possible spring backyard garden tour were also discussed.

V. Unfinished Business 

  • The bulbs illuminating the front entrance sign are difficult to replace. One of the two is not functioning and the main electrical box located in the island is damaged. Lynn McConnell will contact an electrician in an attempt to resolve this issue both temporarily and for the future. 
  • As mentioned at the annual meeting in November, two residents are petitioning the city for the placement of a stop sign at the intersection of Sandy Ford Road and Cuscuwilla. 

VI. New Business 

  • Common Area on Cumberland – Brian Dasinger proposed clearing fifteen trees from the common area on Cumberland Road to allow for social activities and possibly picnic tables on that location. After discussion Brian made a motion for this action. The motion was not seconded so no action will taken.
  • The Board discussed an adjustment to the fine policy for covenant and ARC violations. The existing fine structure does not seem to be an effective deterrent. The process for adjustments will continue to be discussed with attorney Patrick Collins and the issue is tabled to a later date. 
  • The Board and attendees discussed an increase in the annual dues from $400 to $500 in 2023. It was noted that the POA reserves have been depleted and that Sandy Ford dues are low in comparison to similar neighborhoods in the area. Brian Dasinger made a motion to increase annual dues from $400 to $500 in 2023, Lynn McConnell seconded the Motion and the other three Board members voted in favor of the increase. 

VII. Adjournment 

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:30 p.m. The next meeting will occur at Lynn McConnell’s office on Tuesday February 22, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. 

November 2020

Annual Sandy Ford Meeting Minutes


Rock Creek Club House


I. Call to Order – Meeting began at 6:44 pm, Rock Creek Clubhouse

Board Members in attendance: Brian Dasinger, Gigi Lott, Autrey McMilian, Scott McDade and Nancy Hawkins

Thirteen POA members registered to attend meeting via zoom, Actual 10. Eight POA members were in actual attendance.


II. Calling of the roll and certifying of proxies – Completed by 6:50 pm and 63 proxies were on hand at beginning of the meeting.


III. Proof of notice of meeting: Meeting notification was posted on signs at both neighborhood entrances as well as Facebook and email.


IV. Brian Dasinger voted to approve and Scott McDade seconded approval of October 2020 meeting Minutes.


V. Officer’s reports

  • President – Brian Dasinger – Nothing much to report. The City will make a final pass through for debris pick up on 11/29/2020. He thanked Autrey McMillian and Nancy Hawkins for serving on the board.


  • Vice President – Scott McDade – The company that has bought the golf club is putting in lots of improvements. Sandy Ford POA will NOT be required to join club.

a. The new owners welcome anyone who would like to join.

b. Working on offering different types of dues/membership options.

c. Working on upgrading equipment.


  • Secretary – Early in January a request to update directory information will be sent out. Due to Covid restrictions and respecting POA Members were allowed to vote in person at Nancy Hawkins house during the day.


  • Treasurer –

a. Presentation of current financials

b. Presentation of Proposed 2021operating budget – $56,560.00

c. 2021 Annual dues – No Increase – Dues will remain at $400.00 per household.


VI. Committee reports


Landscape Committeesee attached

Forming a Hurricane Committee to assist with hurricane-related issues – Please reach out to Chantal Huddleston.

Still hard to get tree trimmer or Landscapers to return calls or show up.

Reminder POA members that the need to fill out an ARC Form for home improvements and yard changes.


Pond Committee

No Big changes from last month.

Tree Down in North Pond that needs to removed.

Looking for neighbor that was riding dirt bikes in Pond.


Architectural and Review Committee

Still working on Street Sign that needs to be repaired.

Street lights have been reported to Rivera utilities to be repaired.


Sunshine and Social Committee –

Thank You to Ally Sanders, Linda Patterson, Peri Summersell, Shannon Beall, Lynn McConnell, Kris Wendling, and many more who have stepped to help each year.

Thank you to Ally Sanders for putting together and distributing Halloween bags of safety items so our young neighbors could trick and treat.

Please need people to step forward and serve. Everyone is a volunteer and we need more.

Furthermore, if you have an idea or don’t like the way something is being handled. Please be willing to assist with creating a proposal for the board to review or joking a committee to help get the issue solved. There are only 5 people on the board and they need help from their neighbors. It’s not okay to call and complain, but not be willing to work on a solution.


VII. Election of Directors

  • Introduction of all nominees – They mentioned information about themselves – where they live, how long in Sandy Ford and family members. Current Board Member: Brian Dasinger, Gigi Lott, Scott McDade, and nominated neighbors – PJ Lavoie and Ally Sander
  • Counting of votes – Kris Wendling and Jena Yaeger counted the votes and announced that all nominated and running would be elected. New Board for 2021: Brian Dasinger, Gigi Lott, Scott McDade, PJ Lavoie and Ally Sander


VIII. Unfinished Business

  • There still is some work to be done on the following projects:
  • The bed in front of the Coker home – pull out remaining plants and replace with pine straw.
  • Work on Island on Poplar
  • Additional Hurricane repair work


IX. New Business

Bryan Dasinger suggested that the common area on Cumberland have the 25/30 trees taken out and

the area cleared so that Gazebo and play area could happen. He got a bid for $11,500.00 from

Roses Tree Service.

A neighbor who lives next to lot is very opposed and says that we need to look into Green Space requirements in Regulations. Kenny Hanak mentioned that Green space is designated by City of Fairhope.

New Board has been asked to tackle updating the front entrance.

Frank Wendling – neighboring lot is a rental and owner has not repaired storm damage as well as regular maintenance and it is becoming an eyesore. He would like the Board to contact the

owner to develop a repair plan.


X. Adjournment

December 2019

Annual Sandy Ford Meeting Minutes


Rock Creek Club House


Brian Dasinger Called the Meeting to order at 3:33 pm

Brian Dasinger, GiGi Lott, Autrey McMilian and Nancy Hawkins were present.

Brad Summersell – Via Phone


Board Members and Positions:

Brian Dasinger – President

Autrey McMilian – Vice President

GiGi Lott – Treasurer

Nancy Hawkins – Secretary

Brad Summersell – at large


Attendance – 20


Presidents Report:

The three POA Golf Club Committee members (Scott McDade/Sandy Ford) have meet and determined that at this time it is best to wait and see if another interest comes and purchases the club.  Therefore, the committee sees no need to meet anymore until something changes. It is not in our best interest to put together a purchase plan of the Golf Club.

We are not making any moves to purchase the golf course but will stay engaged to be informed.

Minutes were approved from the last meeting via email.


Vice President’s Report – Autrey McMilian – nothing to report other than pond update.


Secretary’s Report – Nancy Hawkins

Mediacom is supposed to have upgrade project complete by Tuesday of the following week.  Nancy is in contact with Mediacom, please report any problems to her.

Treasures’ Report – GiGi Lott

Three electricians have been called to fix entrance lights.  One has agreed to come and fix within the next two weeks.

Builder on Keplar is waiting for $5,000.00 deposit to be returned and it will once the necessary ADEM release has been issued.

The 2020 Budget was presented an approved. (see attached)

POA Dues will remain at $400.00 per lot.

  • Cash on hand $85,606.35 of that $10,000 in builders’ deposits that will be returned when work complete.
  • $52,309 of total income.
  • Total ordinary expenses of $42,901 plus another
  • Pond Maintenance of $20,795.00 which leaves us with Deficit of $11,387
  • Does not include costs of fence around the south pond

GiGi Lott put forth a motion to leave dues at $400.00, Nancy Hawkins seconded, motion passed.

Brian Dasinger – put forth a motion to add a line to budget for beatification project of the common area spaces for residents to use, mainly Cumberland. Suggests $3,000 – $5,000.

After discussion, Brian Dasinger – asked Joey to get quotes to fix up common area on Cumberland to clear out underbrush and area to make space useable.  Additionally, we will look at the front entrance beautification project and decide what to do in 2020.

GiGi put forth the 2020 budget to be approved. Brian Dasinger makes the motion, Nancy Hawkins seconds – all voted for.  Budget for 2020 passed.

Landscape Committee–   Joey Skaff  and Chantel Huddleston

We will be putting out bids for maintenance in Jan/Dec for landscape.

  • Getting three estimates. Needs some guidance from pond committee.
  • Looking for people to assist in research of common area improvements.
  • Looking for volunteers to do a neighborhood workday in February to help clear areas.

Pond Committee –  Autrey McMilian

Met with Engineer – Jeff Phillips – looked at both North and South Ponds

Need a landscape plan for keeping up vegetation pond.  Autrey to meet with Joey to discuss.  The remaining items can be included in the landscape line item of the budget.


May need to increase pond budget due to increase requirements to maintain ponds.  Have $2,500.00 dedicated, $7,500.00 for all neighborhood maintenance other than landscape maintenance.

Waiting on a letter from Jeff Phillips as to what else needs to be done.  Need to send letter to the City of Fairhope that we have completed the work to the proper standards.


Architecture Review  –  GiGi Lott –  Nothing to report


Sunshine and Social Committee – Nancy Hawkins

  • Thanks to Mary Gammer and Karen Hanak for awarding yard of the month. This month winner for month of December is Linda and Bill Sims on Keplar.
  • Greeted new neighbors on Keplar – Megan and Travis Harris


New Business – Jo Ann Otts wanting to start newsletter.  Asking for volunteers to help from all over the neighborhood.

Explained the concept of the quarterly newsletter.

People moving into and out of the neighborhood.

Happenings around the neighborhood.

A resident spoke of the need to contact the City of Fairhope regarding a road patch on Sandy Ford Road/Headwaters Drive – its eroding and not a sewer line – area is sinking as well as road next to it.

Street Light reporting –  Any neighbor can report a street light outage to Rivera –  leave location/address and pole number.

It was requested: If there a problem or issue please reach out to a Board member via email or phone before posting on Facebook.  Posting on Facebook can get buried and not seen.  All email addresses are on the POA page.

Board Statement – At this time, Honors is trying to find a buyer for the golf course.  The POA’s are NOT currently developing a plan to purchase golf course.  It was stated multiple times and multiple ways that Sandy Ford POA is not planning to buy a golf course.

It is in Sandy Ford’s best interest to have a representative engaged to pass along information and updates to our community.  Our residents must access Sandy Ford development through Rock Creek.  As additional information becomes available our POA may need to address this issue again. We are not interested in buying the golf course, but understand the importance of staying informed as to any information and potential purchase of the course.  As the Board becomes aware of new information we will keep the POA informed.

Meeting adjourned.

Novemeber 2019

Sandy Ford Property Owners Association / Annual Meeting

November 21, 2019

Brian Dasinger Called the Meeting to order at 7:06 pm

Brian Dasinger, GiGi Lott, Autrey McMillian and Nancy Hawkins were present.

GiGi Lott Acknowledged there were enough votes for a quorum ‐ 104 votes (either present or via proxy)

Proof of notice of meeting provided – Mail, email, Facebook and signage at entrances.

Last months’ meeting minutes have been approved via email on November 15, 2019 and have been posted to website.

Vice President’s Report – Autrey McMillian ‐ nothing to report other than pond update.

Secretary’s Report – Nancy Hawkins ‐ Our methods of communication are working by the attendance at meeting. Requested that your email information is up to date since that is a main form of communication as we try to keep our mailing costs down.

Treasures’ Report – GiGi Lott

  • Cash on hand $88,686.00 of that $10,000 is builders’ deposits that will be returned when work complete.
  • $52,325 of total revenue, which includes $1,900 of revenue other than dues (late fees, transfer fees and penalties.)
  • Total ordinary expenses of $38,813 plus another $3,650 estimated through year end for a total of $42,463
  • Pond Maintenance of $20,795.00 which leaves a deficit of $10,933
  • There is the possibility of additional cost related to the pond that are not included in the numbers provided, such as a fence around the south pond.
  • The 2019 budget has revenues at $50,800 and operating expenses of $42,710. Had we not had the large expense of the ponds in 2019 we would have been right in line with what was budgeted.


Financial Matters

  • The budget has not been posted to the website in the past. Each year the budget is mailed along with the notice of the annual meeting.
  • Moving forward financial statements will be posted to the website after board meetings.
  • The 2017 annual financials were previously posted to the website. It was an oversight that the 2018 annual financials had not been posted but they are now available. The bylaws only require that the annual financials be posted but we have now uploaded the financials that were provided at the 2019 board meetings.
  • Residents with financial questions should contact the treasurer to have your questions answered. Records are readily available.
  • Rock Creek does post monthly due to meeting monthly. Please be aware that Rock Creek has a professional management company. Sandy Ford’s board and committees is done by volunteers.
  • Maintenance costs increases: Reason this amount has risen every year since 2017.o The increase in 2018 ($4,886.00) was due to new street signs for the entire neighborhood.o In 2019 – ($7,391.00) maintenance was due to tree trimming throughout the neighborhood, replacement of stolen sign, repair of loose street signs, and landscape improvements at the corner of Cumberland and Keplar.
  • Landscape Maintenance increased 8% yearly. In 2017 it was $20,546. In 2018 it was $20,625, however, the December 2018 bill did not get posted to the books until January 2019 due to the timing of the invoice for December being received. Had it been posted in December the total for 2018 would have been $22,250 and the projected total for 2019 would be $24,246. This is an 8.3% and 8.9% increase respectively.
  • Board is very mindful of the POA money. In fact, board and committee members are often personally trimming trees and taking care of small maintenance tasks.
  • Member activities is not just the cost of Fall Bash. It also includes the cost of the annual meeting, directories, signs, and other miscellaneous items. The transfer fee on home sales more than cover the costs of directories.
  • Attendance at Fall Bash was up this year and the costs were lower.
  • Utilities – Is only water. Higher costs due to extremely dry summer. A water meter exists at the end South Drive that the city has not known about for 20 years. It was discovered in August 2019. For that reason, the utility expense increased in 2019 and we have increased the 2020 budget.
  • Legal Fees ‐ budget amount is based on historical data. Lynn McConnel provides legal assistance at a reduce fee. When the budget was proposed the golf course issue had not come up. We may need to increase legal fees based on golf course issues.
  • Cash Reserves ‐ $20,000 decreased because of money spent on ponds maintenance. In 2016 dues were Increased from $350 to $400 which was specifically done to build up reserves for pond maintenance. Moving forward we will need to see what additional funds are needed.


The board elected tonight will approve the 2020 budget and dues.


Landscape Committee‐ Joey Skaff, Chantel Huddleston, & Karen Hanak

We will be putting out bids for maintenance for 2020 landscape.

  • Getting three estimates.
  • Currently, very pleased with our current contactor – quick response time and like the work he is providing.
  • Front entrance improvements have been put on hold due to pond costs. But please reach out to Joey if you would like to work on concept for the future.
  • If you want a tree cut/ removed please place a colored string around tree and take a picture to notify the landscape committee via email or phone to let them know it will speed up process.
  • Joey Skaff, Chantel Huddleston and Karen Hanak are all on the tree and landscape committee


Pond Committee ‐ Autrey McMillian

  • Jay Burdette, Keith Hoffman and Tom Neyhart are members of this committee.
  • Work on ponds is complete.
  • Spent a good deal of money on the south pond getting it cleaned out and back into shape. Hopefully, with proper maintenance we will not incur cost like these in the future.
  • City sent us notice about an obstruction before the work was done. Autrey McMillian has tried to contact the city via email and phone. We want it verified in writing that we are in good standing.
  • The engineers will do the annual inspection in December or January
  • Engineer will work with pond committee to come up with a budget for what is needed to maintain the ponds moving forward.
  • Jay Burdette and Keith Hoffman are coming up with recommendation for pond maintenance moving forward.
  • A beaver caused issues and delays but has been removed.
  • Fence around south pond – three bids have been received from local companies. Photo samples of proposed fence were provided
  • The lowest bidder ‐ Colony Fence has been the best to work with a cost of $3,685.00.
  • Autrey McMillian put forth a motion to go with Colony Fence ‐ GiGi Lott seconded, and the motion passed.
  • The reasoning behind the fence is that the pond remains wet, a fence will deter children from playing or riding bikes. New fence will be easy to repair if a board gets broken.


Architecture Review ‐ GiGi Lott

  • John Luce is no longer on the ARC committee, he has moved out of the neighborhood and has asked to be removed.
  • GiGi Lott and Brad Summersell are now serving on the committee.
  • A new form was sent out to all homeowners via email that needs to be submitted for any exterior work to homes and yards. Please submit completed forms to GiGi Lott


Sunshine and Social Committee ‐ Nancy Hawkins

  • Thank you to many people who volunteer time to assist with all the subcommittee.
  • Mary Gammer and Karen Hanak for awarding yard of the month. This month’s winner is Craig and Sandy Stepan.
  • Yard of the month is moved around the neighborhood. Please let them know if you see a yard worthy.
  • Sunshine committees’ job is to welcome people ‐ Peri Summersell, Karen Hanak, Linda Patterson
  • Sunshine committee welcome new neighbors with this year’s Fall Bash gift, a directory, answers questions and invite them to join Facebook page.
  • The Fall Bash was a huge success: Thank you to the committee who work hard to make it a success by donating time and items to make it the success it is. 178 people checked in or 49% of the homeowners attended.
  • Feedback about Fall Bash: While some wonder why we spend money on the event, it truly is achieving its goal.o Neighbors are getting to know each other. It takes a village ‐ neighbors visiting with neighbors is why they love this neighborhood.o New neighbors come to meet others and long‐time residents are coming to visit.o A real estate agent mentioned that she uses the Fall Bash as a selling point when showing houses in our neighborhood.o Many items are donated or reused year to year as to help keep costs down. (flyers, food, tablecloths etc.)o Gift ‐ it helps promote our neighborhood.
  • Directories ‐ Why do we ask you to check your information: It is how we communicate. Emails, Facebook posts and text message to make sure you are kept informed.
  • Residents information is never shared
  • Committees are always in need of volunteers ‐ If there is an issue in the neighborhood that you feel is important, I suggest you volunteer to assist on that committee. Contact that committee chair and get involved.
  • Mediacom Update ‐ Bill Douglas has been very helpful in trying to get Mediacom to help improve our service. Currently, Mediacom is waiting on the City to approve permits to repair the line to improve service to the back of Sandy Ford.




Election of Directors of Directors –


  • Eight people have been nominated ‐ Mary Jane Owens, Bud Griffin, JoAnn Otts, Autrey McMillian, GiGi Lott, Brian Dasinger, Brad Summersell and Nancy Hawkins.
  • Nominees introduced themselves to the POA.
  • Votes are taken and tallied by Lynn McConnell, Karen Hanak and GiGi Lott

Announcement of New Board: Autrey McMillian, GiGi Lott, Brian Dasinger, Brad Summersell and Nancy Hawkins.


New Business:

  • Rock Creek Golf Club is for sale.
  • Sandy Ford Board met with Rock Creek and Eastern Rock Creek boards to get an update on the situation. RC and ERC have also sent out surveys.
  • Brain Dasinger reassured POA that board is not making any decisions at this time. The survey was meant to determine member’s interest.
  • A Golf Course committee has been formed with the three POA ‐ Scott McDade will represent Sandy Ford.
  • Scott McDade has been a golf pro at Rock Creek and assured people that we are not buying the golf course.
  • Three POA are considering getting bids from consulting groups to evaluate the clubhouse, maintenance, facility, condition of the golf course and get an idea of cost.
  • Brian Dasinger presented the results of the survey ‐ 45% have been returned. (56 surveys)
  • See attachment for complete results.
  • The POA does not want to purchase golf course, but is concerned about property values.
  • Interest in social memberships with members willing to support a small monthly fee.
  • If there is any major development a special meeting would be called to bring POA current.
  • Many neighbors stood up an addressed their concerns.
    • Concerns ‐ golf courses are closing and developed into other things .
    • A lengthy discussion where members voiced concerns over the golf course
    • The current condition of the Rock Creek clubhouse, course, greens, and equipment.
    • The cost to update the clubhouse and greens.
    • Impact on property values may be less than Rock Creek since we only have a few homes on the golf course. Sandy Ford has not been marketed as a golf course community.

The Board restated that at this time we are not interested in buying the Rock Creek clubhouse and golf course but will continue to engage in the conversation and research to make sure we represent Sandy Ford and our POA’s interests.

Meeting adjourned 8:48 pm

September 2019

Sandy Ford Property Owners Association / Board Meeting Meetings

September 30, 2019

Call to Order –Brian Dasinger called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm at the Rock Creek Clubhouse

Brian Dasinger, Gigi Lott, Brad Summersell, Autrey McMillan and Nancy Hawkins were in


26 Residents were in Attendance

Proof of Notice of Meeting – Notice was sent via email and signage was placed 48 hours prior

to meeting, Posting on Sandy Ford Facebook page.

Minutes from July 11, 2019 Meeting were approved.

Report of Officers

Treasurer – Gigi Lott Reported:

All Dues have been collected, with the exception of the outstanding lot that has had issues for years

and lien is in placed on property.

Current Assets are $115,504.20 which includes builder deposits of $10,000.00 for 116 Keplar Place

and 106 Keplar.

Total Income of $52,000.00

Major expense is Landscaping at $21,000.00

Social/Sunshine Committee: Nancy Hawkins

Linda Patterson helped welcome three new neighbors to Sandy Ford – Johnson, Rasinen and


FALL BASH – Reminder to sign up. Announced a raffle prize of $100.00 credit off 2020 POA dues.

Must be in attendance to win.

Mediacom is working on repair to help with service around the neighborhood.

Pond Repairs – Autrey McMillan – see attached for a detailed report

Our biggest expense is the ponds.

The Committee met with several engineers and contractors to determine the best way to

repair/reinforce and reseed the North pond. Additionally, several bids have been received and



Inlet structure has been restored.

An approval for Costal Environmental and Erosion Control for $2,650 was approved.

SLR – has been hired to maintain ponds for a cost of $400

Jay Burdette and Keith Hoffman are working on pond care recommendation moving forward.

SOUTH POND – See attached for details.

The Beaver has been re-located so work can begin on pond.

Fence will be taken down as part of repair to pond. We will obtain bids for a replacement


Autrey McMillan brought a motion to increase budge Pond to $18,000 in case there are some

additional costs.

Nancy Hawkins second and Brian Dasinger approved motion. Work to begin after the Fall Bash

LANDSCAPING Committee – Joey Skaff

TREE TRIMMING/LOW BRANCHES – Autrey McMillan /Joey Skaff will work on getting estimates

for having some specific trees trimmed in common area. Specifically, around substation on Sandy

Ford Road.

Corner of Keplar and Cumberland/ Broome Lot

Tree was approved to be trimmed. We voted to improve the ground underneath with some expansion

of the existing bed plus new grass (under the condition that the owner knows if the grass fails we will

expand the bed further). Quote was approved to deal with erosion under a tree in common area

adjacent to their property.

Corner of Cumberland and Sandy Ford – Azaleas – Lots of discussion was had about removing or

trimming buses. Homeowner is refusing to do something about the bushes. At this time, we are

evaluating ways to reduce the safety risk of those bushes growing too high so close to an intersection.

Have approved $1,400.00 to cover costs unless a better solution is found.

A discussion was held about the trimming of trees around the whole community as well as the

removal of a Popcorn tree in the common space. Chris Francis proposal using a Bucket truck and

taking a half of a day.

Autrey McMillan made the motion, Brad Summersell second

Chris Francis was hired at a cost of $2,400.

A Budget of $4000 for a new fence was proposed by Brad Summersell, Autrey McMillan second and

Approved. Once pond work is complete two bids will be required.

Keith Hoffman voiced that he was concerned that we were not getting other bids. It was discussed

how hard it was to get subcontractors to bid on small jobs.

Front Entrance improvements have been tabled for the moment due to costs of pond repair and


ARC Committee – Brad Summersell

Brad Summersell presented the revised ARC form that neighbors are to submit when making

changes to their homes and lots.

Vice President – No Issues to Discuss

President – Brian Dasinger

Brian Dasinger read the letter about Honors Golf Club is being put on the market for sale. Cost to be

around $2.5 Million. Discussed ways Sandy Ford could support club during this time.

NEW Business:

Keith Hoffman was upset of yard on South Drive – Neighbor have hired a company to help maintain

lawn in their absent.

School buses are speeding through the neighborhood. Brad Sumersell sent a message to school

principal. In order to better correct problem. Please make note of the school bus number so that we

can identify the driver.

Bill Moore voiced a concern over cars left overnight in the street.

Walter Billup mentioned that Coyotes are in the neighborhood again and to be careful with pets.

Meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm

July 2019



AGENDA – July 11, 2019

Call to Order – John Talbert called the meeting to order at 6:04 pm at the Rock Creek Clubhouse

John Talbert, GiGi Lott, Brian Dasinger and Nancy Hawkins were in Attendance.  Autrey McMillan gave his proxy to GiGi Lott.

27 Residents were in Attendance 
Proof of notice of meeting – notice was sent via email and signage was placed 48 hours prior to meeting, posting on Sandy Ford Facebook page.
Minutes from December 10th 2018 meeting were approved.

Report of Officers

President – Informed attendees that there had been no additional board meetings since December –  board members had been corresponding via email to discuss any neighborhood business.  

Vice President – No issues to discuss

Treasurer – GiGi reported:

All dues have been collected, with the exception of the outstanding lot that has issues for years and a lien has been placed on Property.

As of June 30, 2019 we have cash of $120,537 with a builder’s deposit of $5,000.00 for 116 Keplar Place.

Net Income of approx $28,000 and ahead of budget by $1,000 as of June 30, 2019.

Secretary – not present – no report

Committee Reports

Social/Sunshine Committee: 

2019 directories were hand delivered to neighborhood.  Nancy reminded people to pass along changes in information.

Peggy Douglas has done a wonderful job updating and keeping neighbors posted on issues and welcoming new resident members via our Facebook Page.

Bill Douglas has led the charge on the water main Issue that is hopefully been resolved.

Yard of the month is reverting back to a committee of volunteers.  Mary Gammer and Karen Hanak have stepped forward to assist.  

FALL BASH – The fall date announced at the meeting has be changed due to conflicts with ERST theatre on same dates.  New date is Sunday October 13, contact Nancy Hawkins if you would like to assist.
ARC – John Luce was not present,  Rick Patterson addressed the board regarding plans for his lot on 110 Keplar Place.  The plans are currently under review with John Luce and the board will wait for his recommendation before taking any action.  But, per the ARC old brick must be used on Keplar.

ACTION: Members of the board and ARC will meet with the Patterson’s to finalize acceptable plans for lot.

The Board is fully aware that any change to the covenants require a majority vote of the POA.  The board’s duty is to interpret the rules and it is the current board’s duty to assure that new home builds follow set forth guidelines.

Landscape – Joey gave the board an update on the bidding process for the front entrance project.  

She relayed her frustration at lack of being able to get landscapers to give bids on the project.  Furthermore, the front area refurbishment committee discovered that the project required communication, approval and coordination with the City of Fairhope and Eastern Rock Creek POA.

Additionally, she made the board aware that the budget of $6,000 for the project will need to increase to around $12,000-$15,000.

ACTION – Board has asked for more proposals with acceptable planting materials before a vote is taken.   

Tree Removal Guidelines.  Suggestions based on Joey research and vast knowledge of landscaping in this area.  Again, these are suggestion, not requirements, to remove trees currently planted in yards.  Landscape committee approval must be obtained before any trees are removed.

Miscellaneous Items that were brought up during meeting:

  1. A few residents were not aware that a survey had been sent out in April of 2018 asking for input as to what Improvements need to be tackled.  Survey resulted in two main projects being id:  replacing street signs and refurbishing the front entrance.
    1. The street signs have been replaced:

It has been noted that a few street signs post were loose:

Keplar and Sandy Ford 

Cuscowilla and Cumberland

ACTION – Company that installed has been contacted for the repair.  Additionally, missing street sign and posts is being investigated.

  1. Poop Stations – Upon further discussion it was decided that the poop station might not provide the results desired and may lead to bags being scattered about and not placed in provided trash cans.  Furthermore, no one is willing to step forward and oversee the poop stations and the maintenance required.  Therefore, this item has been tabled until further notice.  

Pond Repairs – Joey and Jay Burdette provided an update 

They met with several engineers and contractors to determine the best way to repair/reinforce and reseed the north pond.


ACTION – An approved vote for the concrete repairs ($2650) and new Bermuda tip top grass ($4200) planted was brought before the board.  Additional funds will be needed to cover the installation of temp sprinklers, but except costs to be low.  

Additional funds needed to grass area near substation of north pond.

Additionally, it was suggested that a set of specs be created for the upkeep and maintenance of the ponds, so that all areas are inspected and maintained.  Additionally, we need to maintain the catch basin in Firefly.

SOUTH POND – Due to rainy and wet winter the South Pond was not able to be cleaned, unfortunately we are now dealing with years of buildup and additional actions are needed to clean them up.  

New Business
Fences around south pond are in horrible condition.  It was suggested that we replace the fence with a new fence or bushes/trees.  Additionally, we need to research the liability of POA with no fence.

ACTION:  A new pond sub-committee will be formed to assist Jay and Autrey. 

TREE TRIMMING/LOW BRANCHES –  Autrey/Joey will work on getting estimates for having some specific trees trimmed in common area.  Specifically, around north substation on Sandy Ford Road.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm

December 2018



AGENDA – December 10, 2018

  1. Call To Order – Meeting was called to order at 6:15pm
  2. Calling of Roll – All 5 Directors (GiGi Lott, John Talbert, Nancy Hawkins, Autrey McMillan, and Brian Dasinger) present plus Mrs. Joey Skaff
  3. Proof of Notice of Meeting
    1. Due to the nature of this meeting being primarily for the orientation of the new board and assignment of officers, notice was not posted prior. This was discussed briefly by all present and we agreed to proceed so not to delay the installation of the new board and continuation of board responsibilities. These actions were confirmed to be in line with those granted to the Board by SFPOA by-laws. 
  4. Approval of Minutes from November 27th 2018 Annual Meeting
    1. Minutes were approved with one condition, that the Secretary to be able to renumber the sections to a true sequence (1. 2. 3. Etc.) 
  5. Reports of Officers
    1. Officers Reports
      1. President – No current president
      2. Vice President – no current president
      3. Treasurer – We are building our reserves well, with a current surplus of $87,397 in the bank. We continue to work with the owner/company responsible for 119 Kepler to collect late dues. Outstanding dues are $4,600 plus fines (lien has been filed).  
        1. 2018 net income is $12,664, however there are a few landscaping bills and a pond inspection that will likely be paid before the end of the year.
        2. No Concerns about financial status of the POA.
      4. Secretary – no current president
    2. Appointment of Officers to fill vacancies
      1. After general discussion by all those present – nominations were made for the following: John Talbert (President), Brian Dasinger (Vice-President), and Autrey McMillan (Secretary). Gigi Lott agreed to continue as our Treasurer. 
      2. The Board voted unanimously to accept nominated persons to their position. 
  6. Committee Reports
    1. ARC – Joey, Gigi, and Nancy each contributed to the conversation. 
      1. A new house is being built on Keplar. Landscape committee noticed some trees already marked for removal on the property, unsure if the owners have received approval from ARC. John Luce has received a deposit from the builder and will deliver to Gigi. J.Luce is also waiting on the builder’s sheet. 
      2. There was some discussion about membership of ARC and whether John Luce would like to continue as chair.
      3. Gigi volunteered to take point talking to John Luce about the structure and representation on the ARC for 2019. 
    2. Landscape – Report by Joey Skaff
      1. All landscaping in SF is provided by SLR 
      2. Joey explained that SF common areas are not “formally landscaped” and are more “naturalistic.” Some areas have invasive and expensive plants that could be re-landscaped to reduce maintenance costs over time. 
        1. Joey was asked by the board to prepare a proposal and quotes for possible changes. 
      3. There are still concerns about the retention pond fence. There was a brief discussion about possible solutions which may include a combination of landscaping and fences. 
      4. The North Pond requires constant maintenance but is not unbearable or terribly expensive. 
      5. The Landscape costs in 2018 were in line with those budgeted.
    3. Social/Sunshine Committee – Report by Nancy Hawkins
      1. We are entering our quiet season.
      2. The directory was provided to residents but remains a work in process.
      3. Welcome packages for new residents include the canvas bag left over from our Fall Party.
      4. Additional members are needed for the welcome committee and social committee – Ideally this would include two or more of our members with younger children. 
      5. We are considering having a neighborhood yard sale in coordination with Rock Creek.
      6. Peggy Douglas has stepped up to manage the Facebook group and is doing a good job keeping membership limited to SF Property owners.
    4. Governance Committee
      1. Board identified that this committee has likely completed it’s work. John Talbert volunteered to talk to Bill Douglas about status/future of this committee.
  7. Unfinished Business
    1. 2019 Dues – Dues will be sent out the week after Christmas. Reminders will be sent in early February and late notices with fees will be sent beginning March 1. 
    2. Outstanding fees for two residents were discussed. 
      1. John Talbert volunteered to collect prior correspondence between those residents and Brad Summersell – then continue conversation to bring the properties in question to good standing.
  8. New Business
    1. Nancy Hawkins and John Talbert plan to meet about committee recruitment.
    2. Joey Skaff will take lead on coordinating the upcoming Pond inspection and report back to the Board.
  9. Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at 7:50pm

November 2018 - Annual Meeting



Annual Meeting

November 27, 2018

Rock Creek Clubhouse



23 proxies were recorded

  1. REPORTS FROM OFFICERS                                                                    a.PRESIDENT
        1. Opening Comments -Thank you to all the board and committee members
        2. Neighborhood Survey for Community Improvement Projects – new streets signs have been installed with signage, new committee for Improvement Projects, a hold was put on replacing the retention pond fence- new board will decide how to proceed
        3. New directory – Thank you Nancy
        1. Presentation of current financials
        1. Presentation of Proposed 2019 Operating Budget
        1. 2019 Annual dues to remain $400 due 1-31-19 and late 2-28-19
        1. New $25 transfer fee to gain new owner contact information, Title companies are slow to get this information to us but this provides the board with contact information and proof that that homeowner has read the covenants
    1. ARC COMMITTEE- ALL exterior changes must be approved by the ARC
    1. LANDSCAPE COMMITTEE- Please contact the LC to request permission for tree removal
    1. SOCIAL/SUNSHINE COMMITTEE- New volunteers needed, “Welcomes” new homeowners with a goodie bag (same gift as Fall Bash) and a welcome letter, Fall Bash- Biggest ever with 162 in attendance, Neighborhood Directory will be updated and printed once a year beginning in January
    1. Brad Summersell asked if there were any nominations from the floor.  Mary Gammer and Bill Moore were nominated from the floor and added to the 5 nominees already on the ballot. The 7 Nominations for the 2018-19 board of directors was put forward for a vote. Ballots were counted by Tim Green and Pat Carlton and the new board members announced are GiGi Lott, John Talbert, Nancy Hawkins, Autrey McMillan, and Brian Dasinger. 
        1. Owner of the lot on Keplar has preliminary drawings for a home, has spoken with John Luce but no final plans have been submitted
        1. Wendy Solomon has spoken with the Fairhope Police Department and is willing to host a “Neighbor Watch” informational meeting for SF.  Speeding has brought up as an issue, additional contractors in the area pose parking and driving hazards, please drive with caution
  1. ADJOURNMENT- 7:56 meeting adjourned

10. NEW BOARD for the 2019=2020 YEAR-

Brian Dasinger

Nancy Hawkins

GiGi Lott

Autrey McMillan

John Talbert

May 2018



May 7, 2018

1. Financial Update- The board approved a new $25 transfer fee charged to all new homeowners at closing. This fee will ensure that SF POA is given contact information of new residents.

2. Street Signs- The board voted for and approved a budget for new Street Signs/Posts using Vandalet signs estimate- $6400 per Brad Summersell.  Leonard nelson offered to inquire with city on adding new speed signs.

3. Pond- clearing and cleaning-

SLR has not cleaned the bottom of the pond due to excess water in the bottom. This will be done during the next winter cleaning

Joey Skaff to check on POA liability of fencing, inquiring about pond liability to HMR

Pond has been inspected

4. Survey Feedback- project organization

49 surveys were fully completed, 79 partial, top interest were street signs and improvement in common areas, Frank Wendling to lead group of volunteers

5. Landscape update- 206 Cuscowilla- incomplete, fines not yet determined

6. Neighborhood directory- Nancy Hawkins has the first copy ready for print, neighbors to distribute

7. New letter process- Keith Hoffman will with the letter, the Sunshine Committee will include the letter to new families with a “welcome gift”

8. Status of Joann White (property on Keplar in arrears)- it is believed that the 3 years cycle hasn’t restarted

February 2018



February 6, 2018


  1. Financial Update
    1. Dues status/number of properties still not paid (GiGi)

31 outstanding payments, March 1 begins late fee charges. Board to send out reminders via email.

    1. Status of ownership for the lot on Keplar that was in questions and total due including dues, assessments and interest (Frank)

The tax lien on 119 Keplar has been purchased by INA, LLC. This property (empty lot) owes multiple years of annual dues plus the pond assessment. More to follow from Lynn McConnell.

  1. Possible addition of transfer fee forcing title companies to communicate better with changes to ownership (GiGi)  A proposed transfer fee of $25 was passed and effective immediately but not retroactive.  This will ensure the POA has proper contact information of the new owner.  
  1. New Street signs
    1. Quick budget review of funds available (GiGi) See 2018 Budget
    2. Review of estimate for street sign project 

One estimate was submitted, board would like to see three estimates and multiple style options similar to the mailboxes for consideration. No motion was made to approve of the initial estimate.

    1. Other future projects to keep in mind (South pond fence replacement/mailboxes/other) Minor repairs were discussed for the South Pond fence and embankments to ensure safety and continued proper maintenance of both ponds. SLR to fill in sink holes, remove popcorn trees on banks, possibly add shrubs to West side of South pond.

Frank Wendling suggested that we consider all projects POA members may want us to consider before we proceed with the street signs.  Multiple POA members in attendance agreed with this approach. The Board will ask POA members to submit request for improvements to neighborhood, i.e. new street signs, mailboxes, updated landscaping to green spaces.  Ideas should be submitted to before April 1, 2018 to be considered.  

  1. Leonard Nelson request we consider asking city to place stop sign at Cumberland and Cuscowilla and possibly Sandy Ford and Cuscowilla Request declined 

       5.   Keith Hoffman requested discussion points

    1. North pond erosion  SLR will fill in sink holes, remove small trees, report should be available soon
    2. New family introduction letter with rules, etc. Keith Hoffman volunteered to draw up a new family Welcome Letter. This letter, along with other helpful information for newcomers, would be delivered to new residents in a timely manner and highlight the protective covenants of the POA. The board will review Keith’s letter and decide what would be the best approach to help educate new POA members.
  1. Other Business
    1. There are several opportunities for residents to get involved in the neighborhood.  The Sunshine Committee is in need of friendly neighbors to welcome new families to Sandy Ford.  If you would like to serve in this area or any other, please contact the Board at
    2. Joey Skaff reported that the north and south pond inspections had revealed some minor repairs that would need to be made and she will work with SLR to get those improvements completed.

November 2017

Annual Meeting
November 14, 2017

The meeting was called to order by Brad Summersell at 7:07 p.m. at the Rock Creek Clubhouse.


Proof of notice of due notice of meeting was verified.  On October 9, 2017 written notification was mailed that included a “Notice of Meeting”, “Nomination Form”, and “Proxy Form”.   In addition, signs with date, time and location were posted at both entrances to Sandy Ford one week prior to the meeting, notifications were sent via neighborhood email and posted on neighborhood Facebook page.


In addition to Mr. Summersell, three other Board members, namely Gigi Lott, Leonard Nelson, and Susan Relfe.



Landscape Committee – recommended separating the lawn maintenance and sprinkler system maintenance out and getting bids from other companies.  In Q1 2017, the sprinkler maintenance with 2 annual inspections was awarded to Steven Curtis and SLR was awarded the ongoing lawn care.

FireFly Easement was updated to reflect the present status of the north pond having already been completed and was executed on May 9, 2017.

After an unauthorized tree removal occurred in summer, the board reviewed the fine structure and found it to be weak in deterring residents from a first offense of $50.  In August, we updated the fines to have a bit more teeth giving the board flexibility to fine up to $300 on the first offense.


No report.


Presentation of current financials

Presentation of Proposed 2018 Operating Budget

2017-2018 Annual dues to remain $400 due 1-31-18 and late 2-28-18

Proposed Operating Budget for 2018 was included in the packet mailed on 10-09-17


Neighborhood Watch and No Soliciting signs were installed at each entrance.  Hopeful deterrence to criminal activity.  To report an unwanted solicitor, please call the Fairhope Police non-emergency number (251) 928-2385.


 ARC Committee

                No report.

Landscape Committee

The Committee made decisions with regard to trees, driveways and retaining walls in the neighborhood.

The lawn and sprinkler maintenance is now split,  SLR is the lawn maintenance and Steve Custis provides two sprinkler check per year.  Sexton’s previously took care  of both of these but their service was not satisfactory.

                 (3) In May the easement required maintenance.

In July a property owner removed trees without permission.  The fines were increased from $50 for the first offense to $300, as $50 wasn’t enough to deter this from reoccurring. New fines were voted on by the Board and will be added to the minutes for public record.

Social/Sunshine Committee presented by Nancy Hawkins

                (1) Fall Bash was a great success.  Committee members were thanked for                their assistance.
                (2) Yard of the Month sign is now being passed along by last months                   winner to a new neighbor.
                (3) Please let Nancy Hawkins know when a new neighbor moved in~ we’d                  like to welcome them to Sandy Ford.


Current Nominations are GiGi Lott, Leonard Nelson, Frank Wendling, Susan Relfe,              and Brad Summersell.

There were no nominations from the floor.

A quorum was not made so the present Board members voted to have Frank Wendling
   join the Board, replacing Corky Ollinger, who did not wish to serve on the 2018 Board.


a. Nomination to pass the 2018 Budget

b. Budget passed by new Board


Mr. Hoffman in inquired about current lawn maintenance company (SLR) maintaining certain “common areas” on Cumberland/Keplar/Sandy Ford.  Response: Surveyors were hired by the POA to clarify 2 differing plots, thus verifying the areas the POA will maintain.  SLR has been informed of what is “common area” and will be maintained.

Mr. Hanak questioned the validity of the new tree fines and suggested it be posted to the minutes Response:  The Board will go back and document the tree fines change in the public records of minutes.

Mr. Moore and Mr. Hanak asked why we have not met formally as a Board for the past year.  Response: Per the bylaws, only one meeting is required each year.  Current Board communicates regularly via email to conduct business. When an issue arrises that cannot be taken care of via email, a meeting will be called and residents will be properly notified.

Ms. Huddleston inquired about any changes made to the Complaint and Fine procedures section 6.f. Pet noise.   Response: The only change in the Complaint and Fine Procedures is section 6.h. Removal of a tree fine.

Mr. Hanak requested that the street signs on Camden Way be replaced to match the current Sandy Ford street signs.

Ms. Stephan requested the Board investigate the cost and feasibility of replacing all Sandy Ford street signs with something more substantial.

Ms. Skaff offered advice and information about mulching and pine straw.  Mulching more than 2 times a year, as this will kill the tree and Congo grass has been found in local pine straw and is highly invasive. Keeping tree and flower beds at a minimum will help the health of a tree.  Informational brochures were on the welcome table for residents.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.

August 2017

In July of 2017 a long standing POA member failed to request permission from the Landscape Committee before removing several large trees. The POA member has subsequently paid all the fines imposed under the Nov 2014 adopted fine policy.  While reviewing the fine policy the board observed that had the most significant tree cut down been the only tree, then the fine policy only allowed the board to fine the POA member $50 for the first violation.  On July 31st, the board voted and passed (via email) a change to the fine structure (which does not require a POA member vote) so that the first violation is up to $300, $100 per additional violation and a cap of $1000 per occurrence. These changes to the fines were made affective on August 1, 2017. The website copy of the fine schedule was posted to the website under Documents and will be mailed out to POA members as well.

November 2016 - Annual Meeting



Annual Meeting

November 7, 2016







The meeting was called to order by Brad Summersell, President at 7:00 p.m. at Rock Creek Clubhouse.




Proof of notice of due notice of meeting was verified.  On October 1, 2016 written notification was mailed that included a “Notice of Meeting”, “Nomination Form”, and “Proxy Form”.   In addition, signs with date, time and location were posted at both entrances to Sandy Ford more than forty eight (48) hours prior to the meeting, notifications were sent via neighborhood email and posted on neighborhood Facebook page.




In addition to Mr. Summersell, the other four Board members, namely Corky Ollinger, GiGi Lott, Lynn McConnell, and Margaret Cadden were in attendance.  Twenty-nine (29) lots were represented by owner(s) in attendance.  Twenty (20) proxies were timely received and authorized.


It was noted that a quorum was lacking with forty-nine (49) lots represented; 64 is a quorum.  Corky Ollinger made a motion, which was seconded, to suspend the rule requiring a quorum with regard to the election of directors and to allow meeting to continue for the purpose of election of directors and transaction of other business.  The Motion was seconded.


Alan Campbell made a Motion to amend Mr. Ollinger’s Motion such that if an owner challenged the quorum issue within a reasonable time after the minutes were published on the website that Board must reconsider the decision of proceeding without a second meeting.  Mr. Campbell’s Motion was seconded.


Following discussion, the owners represented at the meeting voted on both Motions. Mr. Ollinger’s Motion to suspend the quorum rule carried with 37 ayes and 9 nays and 3 abstaining.  Mr. Campbell’s Motion failed with 12 ayes and 23 nays and 14 abstaining.


The rule of quorum being duly suspended, the meeting proceeded.





Completed by group board email; thereafter same posted to website.






  • A report was given on the North and South Retention Ponds. There will be annual inspections of both ponds.  Upgrades were made to the South Pond during the current Board’s term and additional clearing will occur after the new year on the South Pond.


  • Covenant Reminders were given and it was suggested that property owners first attempt to speak with their neighbor about a possible covenant violation prior to seeking Board involvement. New owners or renters may not be aware of all covenants.  Also, at times, the circumstances may warrant the fact that a neighbor be temporarily allowed to take an action that is otherwise prohibited.


  • Requests for Proposals will be submitted to companies for landscape services and pond maintenance. Joey Skaff was acknowledged for her hard work with regard to the common area landscaping and her willingness to continue to oversee this task.




No report.




  • Presentation of current financials


  • Presentation of Proposed 2017 Operating Budget


  • 2016-2017 Annual dues to remain $400 due 1-31-17 and late 2-28-17




  • Neighborhood Watch signs are almost complete and will be installed at each entrance. Hopeful deterrence to criminal activity.


  • No Soliciting Signs will be added to the posts with the neighborhood watch signs. According to the City of Fairhope, signs will allow a homeowner to request a solicitor to leave the neighborhood and if he or she does not then to call the police.  Exceptions are religious, non profit and campaign organizations.


  • Firefly Easement for maintenance of North Pond has not been executed. Lynn McConnell will continue to work with involved parties to finalize the Easement.







No report.


  1. Landscape Committee


The Committee made decisions with regard to trees, driveways and retaining walls in the neighborhood.


  1. Social/Sunshine Committee presented by Nancy Hawkins


  • Fall Bash was a great success. Committee members were thanked for their assistance.


  • Block captain volunteers were requested to assist with welcoming new neighbors and acknowledging life events of neighbors.


  • There are many opportunities to sign up for neighborhood social events and gatherings. Suggestions were made for supper club, poker club,


  • Yard of the Month was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Robb Cunningham at 200 Cumberland


  • Margaret Cadden and Pam Hardison will head the Social/Sunshine Committee in the future. All are encouraged to get involved in neighborhood activities.




  1. Brian Dasinger, GiGi Lott, Leonard Nelson, Corky Ollinger, Susan Relfe, and Brad Summersell were nominated for the 2016-2017 Board of Directors.


  1. Margaret Cadden made a Motion to accept the slate as nominated which was seconded by Pam Hardison.




  1. Following secret ballot and tally the following votes were cast:


(1) Brad Summersell                          45 votes

(2) GiGi Lott,                                    45 votes

(3) Leonard Nelson,                          39 votes

(4) Susan Relfe                                  38 votes

(5) Corky Ollinger                             37 votes

(6) Brian Dasinger                             34 votes


The top five candidates, namely Brad Summersell, GiGi Lott, Leonard Nelson, Susan Relfe and Corky Ollinger , were elected to the Board.




As previously noticed, Neighborhood Directory will be completed and distributed to those willing to include contact information.





  1. Keith Hoffman offered to prepare a welcome packet that included helpful information for the neighborhood including the covenants and by-laws. The Board will consider ways the Social/Sunshine Committee can suggest new homeowners/residents familiarize themselves with the covenants, restrictions, etc.


  1. Hoffman also suggested that the Board ensure uniformity of the street signs and posts, specifically the signs at Camden/Sandy Ford and Cumberland/Cross Creek. The Board will consider and review this suggestion.


  1. Hoffman inquired about mailboxes and the possibility that all numbers be uniform and noted that some are in need of repair or replacement. The Board will consider this suggestion.


  1. There was a discussion about the status of the use of the property owned by Rock Creek and Eastern Rock Creek adjacent to the Golf Clubhouse.


  1. A governance committee is necessary to review the SFPOA entity and governing documents. This matter will be addressed.


  1. A resident suggested the Board consider the possibility of fining residents for failure to either attend or submit a proxy for required meetings. The Board will consider this suggestion.



  1. ADJOURNMENT at approximately 8:45 p.m.

September 2016




SEPTEMBER 18, 2016




The meeting was called to order by Brad Summersell, President, at 3:30 p.m. at the home of Lynn McConnell, 311 Cumberland Road.




Four (4) Board members were present, namely Brad Summersell, Corky Ollinger, Lynn McConnell, and GiGi Lott.  Two homeowners, Joey Skaff and Leonard Nelson, were in attendance.




Proof of due notice of meeting was verified as signs with date, time and location were posted at both entrances to Sandy Ford more than forty eight (48) hours prior to the meeting.  Notice was also provided through the Facebook page and through neighborhood email blast.




The Minutes of the June 26, 2016 Meeting were previously approved as written via a group email among the Board members and same have been posted on the website.




  1. President


  • Email Notifications were sent to property owners concerning:
  • yard debris placed on common areas;
  • unauthorized boat, trailer and vehicle parking
  • local election gatherings; and
  • property zoning meetings


(2)  Brad will provide Joey Skaff with current Sexton Landscape contract to allow her to prepare specifications to seek new RFP from landscape contractors


  • Vice President – No report





  • Treasurer


  • Presentation of Balance Sheet as of August 31, 2016


  • Presentation of Profit and Loss Budget v. Actual (January through August 2016)


  • Secretary


  • Update on Lot 107 Tax sale after letter sent to lienholder’s attorney on April 27, 2016. Lynn to obtain additional details about tax deed process.


  • Neighborhood Watch signs were shown to Board. Lynn to get Signs Now to substitute square black posts for regular sign posts that were provided


  • Lynn to order simple rectangular “No Soliciting” signs from Signs Now





  1. ARC – No report


  1. Landscape Committee – Margaret Cadden


Approvals were given to the following:


114 Kepler

202 Cuscowilla

308 Poplar

113 Cross Creek

204 Cumberland

129 South Drive


  1. Social/Sunshine Committee – Report submitted by Nancy Hawkins, Chair


  • Ladies Bunco is off to a great start. Two meetings have taken place.  There is full roster of 12 members and there are many ladies who are available as substitutes.


  • The Social Committee is planning neighborhood Fall Event. Tentative date is October 30th.   Details to follow.


  • Governance Committee – no report at this time






  • Corky will contact attorney Hamby to inquire as to Firefly easement.


  • Neighborhood directory status






  • The date and time of the next meeting will be November 7, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. Social at 6:30 p.m. with meeting to begin at 7:00 p.m.  This will be the Annual Meeting.  This is a variance from the date required by the By-Laws, but the Board passed a resolution per the By-Laws and will provide the proper notification to the homeowners.


  • Notice of the Annual Meeting, Nomination and Proxy Forms, and a Proposed Slate of Board members for 2016-2017 will be mailed to the homeowners on or before October 1, 2016.


  • RFPs from landscape companies will be obtained by Joey Skaff


  • There is a Planning and Zoning Meeting on October 3, 2016 to address whether or not the prerequisite conditions have been met for the apartment development behind the Publix Shopping Center.




No further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m.



June 2016




JUNE 26, 2016




The meeting was called to order by Lynn McConnell, Secretary, at 3:00 p.m. at the home of Margaret Cadden, 129 Sandy Ford Road.




Three  (3) Board members were present, namely Lynn McConnell, GiGi Lott and Margaret Cadden.  Brad Summersell was out of town to attend a funeral/memorial service and Corky Ollinger was absent.  One homeowner, Joey Skaff, was in attendance.




Proof of notice of due notice of meeting was verified as signs with date, time and location were posted at both entrances to Sandy Ford more than forty eight (48) hours prior to the meeting.




The Minutes of the March 20, 2016 Meeting were previously approved as written via a group email among the Board members and same were posted on the website.




  1. President (in absentia by Lynn McConnell)


  • Riveria Utilities responded and handled lighting requests made in March 2016


  • Fairhope City Council voted to approve Corte rezoning allowing construction of apartments behind Publix Shopping Center after meetings in March and April 2016


  • Communications with attorney Jonathan Law and SF property owners (via email) concerning dismissal of North Pond Lawsuit


  • SFPOA v. Dasinger (concerning Builder’s Deposit and assessments) file picked up from Stone, Granade & Crosby as same was settled as previously reported in March 2016 minutes


  • Vice President – No report



  • Treasurer


  • Presentation of Current Financials, attached (Balance Sheet as of 5-31-16 and Profit and Loss Budget vs. Actual January through May 2016)


  • Notation of remaining unpaid dues from prior years’ assessments


  • Renewal of Commercial General Liability Insurance Policy with Cincinnati Insurance Company for the policy term of 4-4-16 to 4-4-17


  • Secretary


  • Update on Lot 107 Tax sale, unpaid dues and liens after letter sent to lienholder’s attorney on April 27, 2016 – No response has been received from the tax lienholder’s attorney. Lynn to follow up to determine status.


  • Matters concerning the North Retention have been addressed. The property owners have received relevant information via email.


  • In conjunction with new landscaping at front entrance, the spotlights on the neighborhood sign were replaced. Having the spot lights on the signpost will prevent future damage as the others in the ground were likely run over by vehicles entering and exiting the neighborhood.


  • It was brought to our attention that the utility work taking place next to the South Pond for the Firefly subdivision left Pond fencing down and dirt exposed. Ryland’s Underground is the contractor for Riveria Utilities.  Lynn contacted Kim Ryland who informed Lynn that the work was not yet complete but that the fencing would be replaced and sod applied to the bare dirt.  This action was taken by Ryland’s Underground.





  1. ARC – No report


  1. Landscape Committee – Margaret Cadden


  • John Luce and Margaret Cadden met with the homeowners of Lots 310 and 313. Permission was given for removal of trees.


  • Keplar Lot cleared by property owner to prepare lot for sale. Board members were alerted and discussed it with gentleman clearing the lot.  The owner was contacted and advised such action requires prior notification to and approval by the Board.


  • New landscaping by front entrance was completed. The Board and residents seemed pleased with the results.


  • Joey Skaff has handled and will continue communications with Sexton Landscaping regarding general maintenance



  1. Social/Sunshine Committee – Report submitted by Nancy Hawkins, Chair, and presented by Lynn McConnell:


  • In early June the Social Committee and SANDY FORD POA helped sponsor the multi- neighborhood Luau held at the Rock Creek Golf Club. The attendance was less this year due to weather and many local sporting events.  Moving forward we will need to review our participation in this event –  Feedback was that it was hot, muggy and the food was just okay.  The Club will only participate in the event if profitable for them.  Much of the costs were underwritten by the POAs and Sponsorship/Trade from Creekside Living Magazine.  The cost to SFPOA was $126 and was paid directly to caterer.


  • Yard of the MonthWe are awarding monthly. As always, we are trying to move the sign to different streets in the neighborhood.  We will stop for the month of July and August.   After discussion, the Board decided not to award a small gift certificate to the winning yard as suggested by Nancy.


  • Ladies BuncoHave had a great response with 12 people interested. The first meeting will be held on August 2, 2016 and will continue August through May on the first Tuesday of each month.  Others are still encouraged to participate. If anyone is interested and lives in Sandy Ford please contact Nancy.    There is no cost to POA.


  • BLOCK CAPTAIN: A discussion was had as to whether one person per street to act as a Block Captain to determine when neighbors move in or out or when families have medical issues or lose a loved one. After discussion, the Board decided to present this idea at the Annual Meeting and ask for volunteers.


  • DIRECTORY: Margaret will have Brad send an email blast to the neighborhood with notification that the directory will be published within a certain time with the information currently in the possession of the Board unless a homeowner notifies Margaret by email that they do not want any or certain personal information included in the directory.


  • FALL EVENT: Nancy is currently gathering costs to present to the Board about having an afternoon/night street party event with a huge blow up screen to show a football game. The Board wants the Social Committee to follow through with idea.


  • Governance Committee – no report at this time





  • Firefly easement was tabled and the Board will continue to investigate this matter.


  • The Board is to make a donation to First Baptist Church in memory of Leslie Wooden.


  • Lynn is following up Signs Now concerning the Neighborhood Watch signs and the posts to mount the signs.




  • The date and time of the next quarterly meeting will be determined at a later date.


  • Joey Skaff to contact Sexton Landscaping to discuss repositioning of certain plantings in the front bed to allow for maximum growth and the health of the plants. Sexton Landscaping did prune other azaleas around the neighborhood and some other plantings contrary to instructions from Joey; she will continue to work with them to keep our plantings healthy and looking good.


  • The Board will make a $100 donation to a charity in memory of Mrs. Woodin.





No further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m.


March 2016




March 20, 2016




The meeting was called to order by Brad Summersell, President, at 3:00 p.m. at his home, 135 South Drive.




All five (5) Board members were present with two (2) homeowners, Joey Skaff and Peri Summersell, in attendance.




Proof of notice of due notice of meeting was verified as signs with date, time and location were posted at both entrances to Sandy Ford more than forty eight (48) hours prior to the meeting.




The Minutes of the December 6, 2015 Meeting were approved as written.




  1. President


  • Report on the Sandy Ford survey results concerning Rock Creek amenities. 78 Households responded as follows:
  • 51% acknowledged they would use a Rock Creek Tennis and swim facility
  • 39% felt it would add real value to SF property while 24% thought it would only add potential buyers and 37% thought it would not add real value
  • 13% thought an upfront assessment was an acceptable financing model if this were a SF project; 87% preferred no upfront assessment
  • 47% would be interested in SF joining in the project to reduce Rock Creek financing models per household; 53% would not
  • If SF did not participate in the project, if a membership option was available, 48% had no interest in a membership option, 26% were interested if equal to RC owners’ cost and 26% were interested even if slightly higher than RC owners’ cost.

It is interesting to note that out of the 41 households who said they did not want to join in the project, 10 of those said that there were interested in memberships, so 65% have said either SF should consider being involved or they would be interested in a private membership.


  • Rock Creek POA did not get the 2/3rds property owners vote required to pass mortgage based funding or a majority required to pass a one time assessment based funding for the proposed pool and pavilion.
  • Report on the 98 Committee and their efforts in opposition to the Zoning Amendment Request by Corte to build apartments behind Publix
  • Announcement of March 28, 2016 City Council Meeting at which time the Council will vote on the Zoning Amendment. An email will be sent to residents to encourage attendance at the meeting.
  • New Neighbors were announced. They include the Perexempels on Keplar, the Dasingers on Keplar and the Chunns on Sandy Ford.
  • Adam Huddleston on Keplar has completed his retaining wall project.
  • The City worked on the connection of Power to the Firefly Subdivision resulting in temporary removal of South Pond fencing. The Fence has not been reinstalled and the dirt is exposed.  Lynn McConnell offered to discuss with the subcontractor, Ryland Underground.
  • The work on the North Pond is complete and paid in full
  • On January 4, 2016, Warren Baker on Cumberland requested and was granted permission to temporarily store his boat in his driveway until flooding waters receded where he normally keeps his boat.


  1. Vice President


  • The City has reinstalled the street sign at the intersection of Cross Creek and Cumberland Road.
  • Wetlands Remediation Update. Work complete and paid in full.
  • We have not been presented with an Easement document to sign as contemplated by the North Pond Settlement.


  1. Treasurer


  • Financials as of February 29, 2016 presented.
  • Only Lot 107 still has not paid the annual or pond assessment for 2015.  Lot 107 has not paid 2016 assessment. Lynn McConnell to address this issue.
  • Records do not indicate a payment for 2013 annual dues by owner of Lot 101. The Board is seeking proof from lot owner of payment.
  • New website is up and running, but some navigation issues have been reported. by residents. Also, only the 2013 Budget appears on the site.  Edward Herndon will be contacted.
  • The water bill for service addresses 109 Sandy Ford and Cross Creek have been extremely high, GiGi Lott will contact the city to inquire.
  • ADEM Termination Request for North Pond was submitted and closed.



  1. Secretary


  • The Liens on the lots that have satisfied their obligations (Lots 56 and 101, both for 2015 pond assessments) will be released in due course.
  • Lot 107 Liens remain unpaid. It was sold at tax sale for nonpayment of 2014 taxes.  The attorney for the tax sale purchaser was contacted.  A letter is to be written to determine if SFPOA can redeem the property or “buy”’ the tax sale certificate from the current holder.
  • Neighborhood Watch signs were discussed. The metal signs cost $100 each; we will order two, get a quote for the poles to hold them and then decide where they should be placed in the neighborhood.





  1. ARC – Corky Ollinger
  • North Pond Wetlands Remediation complete
  • Payment in full for wetlands remediation made from funds in attorney Hamby’s trust account and an additional $2,800 payment after Lynn’s Motion and Brad’s second and all others voting in the affirmative.
  • The Lotts Builder’s Deposit was paid.



  1. Landscape Committee – Margaret Cadden


John Luce and Margaret Cadden met with the following homeowners concerning the removal of trees.


  • 127and 129 South Drive were given permission to remove and replace a tree in their front yard.


  • 112 Keplar permission was given to remove a dead tree in their side yard.


  • Joey Skaff will speak to Sexton about maintenance and quote for new plantings in front bed


  • Joey Skaff is to consider documentation to cover drainage issues for new contruction


  1. Social/Sunshine Committee – Report by Lynn McConnell and Joey Skaff
  • 27 children for Egg Hunt and close to 90 in attendance
  • receipts for expenditures by committee members will be reimbursed
  • committee will designate a person on each street to take appropriate action when a neighbor is ill, passes or experiences other life event worth acknowledging
  • possible future events are an outdoor movie, children’s parade
  • Neighborhood directory in progress and resident info sheets submitted with assessment payments will be incorporated


  1. Governance Committee – no report at this time




  • Firefly easement was tabled and the Board will continue to investigate this matter.




  • Potential suit to recoup as much as possible of north retention pond repair expenses – tabled for future discussion.


  • Insurance to be renewed with Cincinnati.


  • The sufficiency of street lighting will be considered by the Board.


  • The issue of whether there is a need for a yield sign for those entering and turning left from Cumberland on to Cross Creek will be considered.


  • Spot lights on entrance sign need to be repaired, replaced or relocated. Lynn McConnell will contact electrician.


  • The date and time of the next Board meeting will be June 12, 2016 at 3:00 p.m. at 129 Sandy Ford Road.


  • The Board will make a donation to a charity in memory of Mrs. Woodin.



No further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.

December 2015



The meeting was called to order by Brad Summersell, President, at 3:00 p.m. at the Rock Creek Clubhouse.




Five (5) Board members including Mr. Summersell, were present with six (6) homeowners in attendance.




Proof of notice of due notice of meeting was verified as signs with date, time and location were posted at both entrances to Sandy Ford more than forty eight (48) hours prior to the meeting.




The Minutes of the 2015 Annual Meeting held on November 3, 2015 were approved as written.




GiGi Lott, Treasurer, presented the 2016 Budget, a copy of which is attached to these minutes.  The proposed 2016 Budget was mailed to each homeowner in advance of the Board Meeting as required by the By-Laws since the Budget was not introduced at the Annual Meeting in November 2015.


The 2016 Budget includes annual homeowner dues in the amount of $400.  This amount was discussed and approved after motion and second.  The increase from the previous base amount of $350 is due to the need to increase the reserves, fund additional social activities, upgrade the SFPOA website and to purchase and install neighborhood watch signs. An assessment in the amount of $400 will be mailed to each homeowner with payment being due by January 31, 2016 and delinquent after February 28, 2016.



a. President

  • Representation by Stone, Granade and Crosby was terminated in the litigation against Roe Robertson Construction in connection with Lot 105.
  • Board member Lynn McConnell worked with opposing counsel to reach a settlement and submitted same to the Court. The Settlement Agreement is being held in Secretary’s files.  As one condition to settlement the $5,000 Builder’s deposit was collected and deposited in the SFPOA account.
  • The neighborhood email list has been expanded to add all adult property owners that desire to be included in email communication. Email is to be the primary form of neighborhood communication (unless United States First Class Mail required by the By-laws) and a board email address of has been created for the purpose of communication and maintaining homeowner email privacy.
  • The 98 Committee was formed by nonresidents of Sandy Ford with the purpose of monitoring and addressing multifamily housing development in and around Highway 98 near Parker Road and the entrance to Rock Creek subdivision.  Pam Hardison and Kevin Beall will be the representatives of Sandy Ford to serve on this committee.  This matter is on the agenda of the Fairhope Planning Commission on December 7, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. and all are encouraged to attend.

b. Vice President

  • The City has been contacted about reinstallation of the street sign at the intersection of Cross Creek and Cumberland Road.
  • The documentation surrounding the North Retention Pond is being reviewed from a legal standpoint as is the Firefly developer’s demand for payment by SFPOA of wetlands remediation.

c. Treasurer

  • Only Lot 107 (owner of record Joann C. White) has not paid the annual or pond assessment for 2015. We understand that lot was sold at tax sale auction, so we are trying to identify who owes the assessment.  However, a liens are already in place for both assessments.
  • Records do not indicate a payment for 2013 annual dues by owner of Lot 101 (owner of record Michael Kavanaugh). The Board is seeking proof from lot owner of payment.
  • Collection is ongoing and the hope is that all delinquent accounts will be paid in the near future.
  • The signatories on the bank accounts have been changed to the new officers and the SFPOA accounts will be moved to Iberia Bank from The First Bank.

d. Secretary

  • The Lien on Lot 105 for unpaid assessments has been released as a result of requested payment.
  • The Liens on the other lots that have satisfied their obligations (Lots 56 and 101, both for 2015 pond assessments) will be released in due course.




a. ARC – Corky Ollinger

  • The Lotts’ building plans have been approved.

b. Landscape Committee – Margaret Cadden

  • A lot on Cuscowilla Street requested approval for addition of an outdoor swing set/playhouse and it was granted by the Committee.

c. Social/Sunshine Committee – Nancy Hawkins

  • Nancy was not in attendance, but Lynn McConnell reported that the committee met and discussed completion of a neighborhood directory, other social activities and planned a Christmas Cookie Exchange.

d. Governance Committee – no report at this time




  • Open items for completion of north retention pond project will be addressed by the Board


  • The Firefly wetlands remediation demand was discussed. J. McCool has requested payment from SFPOA in the amount of $12,120.  There was a motion, which was seconded, that any such payment be conditioned upon receipt by the Board of a satisfactory explanation as to why this expense was omitted from the original scope of the work and that the obligation for payment of this expense should be passed on the person who actually contracted for the remediation.  The Board will continue to address this issue.
  • Firefly easement was tabled and the Board will continue to investigate this matter.




  • Potential suit to recoup as much as possible of north retention pond repair expenses – tabled for future discussion.
  • Annual inspection of ponds will be handled by Gigi Lott.
  • Neighborhood watch signs – Lynn McConnell will investigate design and expense.
  • Potential new insurer for pond and general liability insurance – Margaret Cadden will handle.
  • New Website – responsibility for the SFPOA website will be transferred to a company owned by a resident of Sandy Ford. Lynn McConnell and GiGi Lott will handle the transition.
  • The date and time of the next Board meeting will be announced.



No further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.

November 2015 - Annual Meeting

The meeting was called to order by Keith Hofmann at 7:00pm. Four Board members were present with 79 homeowners in attendance.
Due to election of Directors agenda items may be out of original order.
The voting ballot only had 5 homeowners listed so a motion was made from the floor that these be elected by acclamation. There was a second and a majority vote to adopt the 5 as Board Directors for 2015-2016. The Directors are: Lynn McConnell, Corky Ollinger, Brad Summersell, Margaret Cadden and GiGi Lott.
NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH PROGRAM: The Fairhope Police Department was asked to come and present to the Homeowners the “Community Watch Program”. Officers Sheri Swartz and Shane Nolte discussed the program and how beneficial it is in curbing neighborhood crime. Currently the Neighborhood Watch signs are not available through the City of Fairhope but can be purchased on-line. If the Board agrees to purchase the signs the City will install them.
SEPTEMBER 2015 MINUTES: Minutes for September 2015 were approved as written.
TREASURERS REPORT: Kenny Hanak presented the annual statement of Assets, Liabilities and Fund Balances for the Ten Months ended October 31, 2015. The report was approved as read.
Architectural Review: One visit was made to a home regarding plans to correct some erosion issues in the backyard. Request was approved.
Landscaping: No report
Governance: A few on-going projects.
Social Activities: Nancy Hawkins presented several projects for the upcoming season. Work continues on the Homeowners’ Directory which should be complete by January. Yard of the Month was awarded to Mr. and Mrs Leslie Neyhart at 120 Sandy Ford Rd. Congratulations! The Christmas Decoration contest is scheduled forDecember 20th. There will also be a cookie exchange so please call Nancy for more details. The Sandy Ford Face Book Page is still available email Nancy if you are interested.
North Detention Pond: The construction is 98% complete just  waiting for American Asphalt to complete some still needed issues. Also, there is the issue of obtaining the easement from the Fire Fly L.L.C. This should be forthcoming.
South Detention Pond: The South Pond is scheduled for clean-out on November 16th weather permitting. Seeding has not been completed at this time.
Lot 105: As stated previously Sandy Ford Property Owners did file suit in District Court against the builder for not complying with several building issues. A continuance as been filed with the Court to review the status of the Builders counter suit. The new Board will decide on proper course of action.
The next Board meeting will be announced by Sandy Ford’s new elected Board Members.
ADJOURNMENT: No further business, meeting was adjourned at 7:55pm.

September 2015

Tuesday 22, 2015  Rock Creek Clubhouse
The meeting was called to order by Keith Hofmann at 5:30pm. Four Board members were present with 8 homeowners in attendance.
Minutes of the August 2015 were approved as written with two corrections that have been made to the web site.
TREASURERS REPORT: Kenny Hanak gave a report that included the Eight Months ending August 31, 2015. He also, stated that 4 homeowners have had liens placed on their property who did not pay their assessment. There are 3 homeowners who still have outstanding fees. The Treasures report was approved as presented.
    North Detention Pond Update: America Asphalt still has a few issues to complete before final payment is made. Also, the developer of Firefly needs to install a silk fence to prevent run-off and possible
    erosion. Also, the developer should be in the process of signing off on the easement for Sandy Ford.
   South Detention Pond: There continues to be an issue with the seeding that was to be done but hopefully this will be resolved soon. The Board did approve spending up to $3000 to have the pond
    cleaned out of the high grass before the end of October.
   Lot 105: As stated previously the Sandy Ford Property Owners did file suite in District Court against the builder for not complying with several building issues. The defendant did file a counter suite
     denying all claims. As you would image this will be a cost to the POA but at this point we don’t know how much. The Board will keep the homeowners informed of any development.
   Update on Pursuing Remediation on North Pond: On behalf of the POA the Board has entered into a contingency agreement for remediation on the North Pond. The legal fee for attorney shall be 40%
     of the gross amount recovered from defendants and / or their insurers.
    Insurance Status for Both Ponds: Keith, has exhausted all means of finding an insurance company that will insure both ponds if they should ever fail.
    Neighborhood Watch and The Board has ask a member of the Fairhope Police Department to speak at our Annual Meeting regarding the “Fairhope Neighborhood Watch Program”.
     Hopefully this will provide implementation and participation. The program was addressed by Nancy Hawkins. She informed the Board that her research has concluded this is not
     a program for our homeowners to participate in. It leaves the homeowners very vulnerable to abuse. Thanks for your work on this.
    Architectural Review: Mary Gammer reported of several home visits involving color changes with home shutters. One visit concerning a shed in a backyard.
   Landscaping: Committee reported only a few visits concerning dead trees.
    Governance: No report
   Social Activities: Committee reported that the “ Yard of the Month “ went to Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron @ 209 Cuscowilla, great yard! The Social Committee does plan on having a Christmas
    Decorating Contest this year, so get those lights down out of the attic and wait for more details.
    Another more serious issue is Halloween Night activities. If you are going to participate in trick or treat please turn your porch lights on for the safety of our small children. Also, please inform your kids
    to have a great and fun filled night but please be respectful of our neighbors and their property.
Date and time of next meeting: The Board will not have an October Board meeting but the Annual Meeting is scheduled for November 3, 2015. Social hour starts at 6:00pm with Business meeting starting
at 7:00pm. Place is Rock Creek Clubhouse.
Adjournment: No further business meeting was adjournment at 6:25pm.

August 2015

Tuesday 18, 2015    Rock Creek Clubhouse

The meeting was called to order by Keith Hofmann at 5:30pm. Four Board members were present with 4 homeowners in attendance.

Minutes of July 2015 were approved as written and proof of due notice was confirmed.

TREASURERS REPORT: Kenny Hanak gave a full detailed Treasurers report and stated that there are still  5 homeowners who have not paid their assessment  and 3 who have an outstanding late fee.

Keith Hofmann stated that the 5 homeowners have been turned over to the Lawyer for collection. The Board voted unanimously to have the late fees the 3 homeowners owe added to their dues for the upcoming year.

The report was approved as submitted.

NORTH DETENTION POND UPDATE: Keith gave a very detailed update on the progress that has been made on the North Pond regarding sodding, irrigation and the work still to be done. There is a list of several items yet to be finished before final payment is made.

SOUTH DETENTION POND: Seeding has been done on the west bank along with temporary irrigation to prevent any erosion from occurring. The rails that are down will be re-installed.


Architectural review: ARC made one home visit concerning a change in paint color for shutters.

Landscaping: One call for very small trees to be removed.

Governance: Establishing terms of service each  Board Member would hold annually was an item requested from the floor at the last Annual Meeting. As follow-up the Governance Committee has been working on the criteria that the By-Laws require to make this change. After a lot of discussion it was agreed this would be an item for the new Board to address.

SOCIAL ACTIVITIES: The committee is still working on establishing a Sandy Ford Directory. The Committee will have a table set-up for homeowners to sign-up for the initial input into the web site at the Annual Meeting. Remember the Labor Day BBQ at Rock Creek on September 7th, 2015.


Update on Pursuing Remediation on North Pond: Keith has conducted a lot of work to acquire   drawings from the City, pond inspections and meeting with a Contingency Lawyer. There is not much light at the end of the tunnel but Keith will continue to persevere.

Insurance Status for Both Ponds: Discussions are on-going with Insurance carriers including pictures of the ponds being sent to give further descriptions for possible coverage. More information will follow.

Lot 105: Sandy Ford Property Owners Association has filed a Statement of Claims in District Court against Roe Robertson Construction, Inc. The claims are for not paying the $5000 Builder’s deposit and the removal of trees without ARC approval. The potential buyer will represent the Builder.

Neighborhood Watch and Sandy Ford has had several reports of break-ins so with that the Board has been pursuing the Neighborhood Watch program with the Fairhope Police Department but without much success. Rock Creek has implemented a program called “” with good success. The homeowners sign-up through the web site and would be notified when a report is issued. The Police Department would have to be a partner in this operation. A Board member is pursuing this with the FHP for their input. Homeowners are highly encouraged to participate.

Speed Bumps on South Dr.: A request has been made from a homeowner to see if the City would support the use of  speed bumps on South Dr. A Committee member has agreed to survey the homeowners to see if they are in agreement. This is just for South Dr.

Annual Meeting Date: The POA Annual Meeting will be on November 3rd. at 7:00pm in the Rock Creek Clubhouse.  More notice will be sent out.

Yard Waste on Unbuilt Lots: Lot owners have complained about either neighbors or landscapers dumping waste on their lots. This practice doesn’t help the owner sell his or her property. Please place your yard waste in either paper bags or place it on the street in front of your home. If you have a landscaper inform them they are responsible for hauling off their own waste. Please be courtious to your neighbors, this also includes POA Common Areas.

Fence for North Pond: The North Pond is very vulnerable to curious people so to help our investment Keith has been looking into fencing parts of the entrance to the pond. The Board voted to pursue this but to wait until the construction is complete. The Board agreed to contract with Cooper Fence Company for a gate and fencing across the access area off the stub road at a cost of approximately $928. This will only be done if and when it is determined that the fence is needed.

The next Board Meeting will be September 22, 2015 at 5:30pm in the Rock Creek Clubhouse.


Adjournment:  There was no further business the meeting was adjourned at 6:20pm.

July 2015

Monday July 20, 2015
Rock Creek Clubhouse
The meeting was called to order by Keith Hofmann at 5:30pm. All members were present with 5 homeowners in attendance.
Minutes of June 2015 were approved as written and proof of due notice was confirmed.
TREASURERS REPORT: Kenny Hanak presented the Treasurers report and stated that there are still 7 Homeowners who have not paid their Assessment and 3 who have not paid the late fee.  The Treasurers report was approved as presented.
At this point Keith went on to discuss the delinquent payments and what action will be taken. Keith was very concerned that the Board did not like turning these delinquent accounts over to our Lawyer but that will be done if payments are not received by July 31, 2015.
·         The trees and shrubs have been planted but some seeding still needs to be finished.
·         American Asphalt is responsible for watering just until everything is established, then the POA will pick up some temporary watering.
·         The Board is looking into some options for fencing just in some strategic areas.
·         The trees have been removed and temporary watering will be installed followed by seeding on the east bank to prevent erosion.
There were no reports from any Committees. Things have been a little quiet for a change.
1.       Update on pursuing Remediation on North Pond. Keith has retrieved copies of early drawings and the City is making copies. There are some drawings of each phase in Sandy Ford. He is pursuing several other issues and will report back to the Board.
2.       Insurance Status for Both Ponds. Keith has been in communication with the Insurance Company to see what insurance can be acquired for both ponds. This would be for either pond in case an unforeseen event were to cause the ponds to fail. He will report back to the Board when he has more information.
3.       Lot 105. The Board is working with legal counsel and developing a plan on how to proceed.
Next Board meeting will be August 18, 2015 at Rock Creek Clubhouse at 5:30pm
Adjournment:  There was no further business meeting was adjourned at 5:55 pm


June 2015

The meeting was called to order at 5:30pm. All members were present with 10 Homeowners. Minutes of May 2015 minutes was approved as written.

TREASURERS REPORT: Kenny Hanak gave the treasurers report to include the POA cash basis, operating fund and special assessment cash basis. Report was approved as presented.

OLD BUSINESS: Special Assessment payment status and action to be taken on delinquent payments.Keith Hofmann stated the Board had approved a one time late fee of $50 to be added if payment had not been received by June 16, 2015. If payment has not been received by July 31 ( 45 days from due date ) the delinquent account will be turned over to our Lawyer for collection. As of June 17, 2015 85% of the Homeowners have met their obligation.

Keith also addressed a few unanswered questions presented to the Board: The Board will pursue the cost of insurance if the North Pond should fail. Also, the question was asked about responsibility for the maintenance on the pond. Clearly the POA is responsible for yearly maintenance and inspection the same goes for the South Pond.

Competitive Tree Bids: The Board received two bids on planting the trees and the lowest bidder went to Sexton Landscaping. American Asphalt will be responsible for watering the grass which saves the POA approximately $4000 in not having to run irrigation lines in this area and the Firefly area will be responsible for watering the trees and shrubs on their property.

Bars on openings in the concrete structures: Some Homeowners were concerned about these exposed openings. They will have iron bars placed over the openings.

South detention pond work: The Board has received bids on removing the pine trees on the east and west side of the pond. This work should start within the next 8-10 days.


Architectural Review: Lot 35 on Poplar Place will be submitting house plans in the near future. Keith added that the ARC needs 2-4 weeks to review potential house plans.

Landscaping: Sexton Landscaping had to repair two sprinkler heads at the South Pond that a 4-wheel drive vehicle ran over and crushed.

Social Activities: Nancy Hawkins reported that approximately 200 homeowners were present at the Rock Creek Lula on Sunday. They had a wonderful time with plenty of entertainment for all ages. The POA Directory is a working project.

Governance: The committee is working on recommendations to establish a ” set term of office ” for POA Board Members.

NEW BUSINESS: Keith gave a brief update on Lot 105 and stated the Board is reviewing options on when and how to proceed.

The next Board meeting will be July 20, 2015 at 5:30pm in the Rock Creek Clubhouse.
Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 6:45pm.

May 2015

The meeting was called to order at 5:30PM.
All members were present. Proof of due notice was verified.

  • Keith Hofmann introduced both David Hamby of Spears, Spears and Hamby and Marcus McDowell of Wilkins, Bankester, Biles & Wynne.
    • David Hamby explained the reason Sandy Ford was liable for damage to the adjoining property and outlined a review of how and why we reached the settlement. He also presented the POA with a check for $163,500, an amount that will cover both the work on the Berglin property as well as some of the costs on the Sandy Ford property.
    • There were numerous questions from homeowners on the extent of past liability and how that was determined, the potential for future liability whether we can or should stop the construction and revisit this whole situation, the possibility of prevailing in a lawsuit filed by the property owner and/or developer and possible legal action against the developer, engineer and/or the city. Anyone not in attendance who would like answers to these or other questions should contact Keith Hofmann.
  • The Board was tasked with answering the following and will respond as information becomes available:
    • Did the Berglins collect anything from FEMA
    • Liability of the POA Board vs the individual homeowners
    • The availability of documents related to this issue
    • Legality of $50 late fee for delinquent assessments
  • There was some discussion around a bid from another contractor that was less than the one from American Asphalt. No bid was received by the Board or HMR so the contract with American Asphalt was signed.
  • The amount of the contingency fund for the project was questioned and what would happen if not all of it was needed. The biggest part of that concerns what the city might require of us and it is the Boards hope that there will be funds available to replenish the reserve account. A complete accounting of all expenditures will be provided.
  • Homeowners were asked to remember that this is a construction area and due to safety issues to stay out of it and advise their children of this as well.
  • A homeowner mentioned that some kids have been ringing their doorbell for the last several weeks. He was advised to call the police so homeowners might want to get the word out to any children involved to be aware that this is not a good thing to do and could get them in trouble.
  • An anonymous complaint was received by a homeowner regarding the appearance of their pool.

The minutes from April 2015 were approved as written.

Treasurers Report: Kenny Hanak gave the monthly report with no questions it was approved as read.

The next Board Meeting will be June 15, @ 5:30 PM in the Rock Creek Clubhouse.

Meeting was adjourned @ 6:45PM.

NOTE TO HOMEOWNERS: On May 15, 2015 a Special Assessment notice and the Budget for the Special Assessment was mailed (US Mail ) to each homeowner/ or lot owner’s address.


April 2015

Monday 13, 2015
Rock Creek Clubhouse

The meeting was called to order at 3:30 PM. All members were present. Proof of due notice was verified and the previous meetings minutes approved.


Financial report was presented by Kenny Hanak and approved. Kenny also presented the budget for the repairs to the North pond and reported based on the cost the Special Assessment would be $1,300 per homeowner.


Keith Hofmann, board president, gave a full and complete report of all the meetings with the engineers, our insurance company, the current and potential property owners and the City of Fairhope.  Unfortunately after many months of meetings and communication with all parties, the Board was only in receipt of the total cost of construction last week. The contractors are due to start work within the next month and payment will come due as they move forward, thus the need to receive payments for the assessment in a short amount of time.

At the meeting several homeowners presented ideas that the board agreed to pursue, including trying to recover some or all of the costs being incurred by Sandy Ford from the developer and obtaining insurance to cover a future loss/damage to the detention ponds. These ideas can be investigated after work commences on the pond. The Board will also seek a separate legal opinion/review of any releases we need to sign with the insurance company.

Finally, the Board voted unanimously to accept the expense budget as presented. The total budget of $352,694 less the $54,543 in POA reserves leaves the homeowners with a responsibility of $163,800.

The special assessment due from each homeowner will be $1,300.

The next Board Meeting will be at 5:30 PM on Monday, May 18, 2015 in the Rock Creek Clubhouse.

Meeting was adjourned at 5:30PM

March 2015

Monday  March 2, 2015
Rock Creek Clubhouse
Meeting was called to order by Keith Hofmann. All board members were present with 7 homeowners and 1 visitor present.
Proof of due notice of meeting: Notice was sent out via email and signage was placed 48 hours prior to meeting.
February 2015 minutes were approved as written.
Financial update was read by Kenny Hanak and approved. Currently the POA has 2 delinquent homeowners for the 2015 assessment.
NORTH DETENTION POND: This project is at a point of meeting with the lowest bidder and the Engineer to see what portion of the design will be covered by insurance and to firm up the actual cost of the project.The Board has unanimously agreed to start work as soon as possible and only repair the portion of the pond that pertains to Sandy Ford. This should be done in a relatively short time frame.
SOUTH DETENTION POND: The Engineering firm currently working with the POA has made a recommendation that the pines bordering the west and east side of the south pond be removed. Two estimates are forth coming to remove and clean-up the pond.
SKATEBOARDING: The Board president, Keith Hofmann, was previously directed to meet with the Fairhope Street Committee then later was informed there would be no meeting of the committee since the council decided not to have an ordinance banning skateboarding.
ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW: Lot 93 on South Drive has been cleared and somehow two large pines in the front right part of the lot were removed. The owner afreed to address that with two large trees during landscaping. The lot is being reviewed by the City of Fairhope to address possible drainage issues and erosion control measures.
The committee is continuing to work with the builder/future owners to resolve issues relating to tree removal, building materials and changes to the driveway. An adjoining property owner and the Builder spoke to the Board about these issues.
LANDSCAPING COMMITTEE: The committee made several visits to homeowners regarding tree removals. Bids are being taken on removal of pine trees on the South Pond.
GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE: The Governance Committee continues to review the CCR’s and hopes to have a recommendation by the next meeting as to possible ways of staggering terms for the Board positions.


First meeting was held. February 9, 2015

Established the goals and objectives of the Social Committee:

Get neighbor talking to neighbor in a friendly environment.Create activities that bring together the neighborhood.Create a way to exchange idea and services that enhance the Sandy Ford Experience

Determined the following information on eventsEaster Egg Hunt: Date March 28th

Location: Common Area on Cumberland – POA to have area mowedTime: 3pm – 4pmConcept: Ask parents to donate one dozen filled plastic eggs for each child participating.

(No chocolate and individually wrapped candy)Open to All residents of Sandy Ford, their children and Grandchildren. All welcome to participate as long as filled eggs are provided accordingly. Event is only for children directly related to homeowner.Stuffed Eggs dropped off starting a week before event on Nancy PorchTwo Areas set up for hunts:

Zero to three age group 4-10 Age groupOlder children helping to hide eggs as well as helping younger children find eggs.Committee members to provide additional games and activities – donuts, cookies, punch as well as a door prize gift basket.Looking to see if anyone has a bunny costume that can be used.

Will ask guests to sign in to see who is interested in neighborhood activities.

Neighborhood Yard/Garage Sale – Saturday, April 25th (May 2 back-up date)

Encourage residents to hosts garage sales on this day.

Need to determine event time to advertise. Will need to see which home owners are interested and determine a way to denote participating homes.

Run Ad in local paper as well post sign in Neighborhood and Rock Creek.

Neighborhood Block Party – Sunday August 15th Time 4-6 (Date may change to September)

Location: TBA maybe – Back of Sandy Ford Road.

Bring back old neighborhood event. Promoting event by word of mouth, web site and other committee pieces.

Quarterly Teenager Car Wash for Charity

Neighborhood Teens washing cars and the funds go to local Children related Charity.

Goal is to teach giving back.

Need to set date:

Adult Social Hour: Also to be a Quarterly Event – Linda to find out costs

Looking into the possibility of arranging a Happy Hour at the Club at Rock Creek for our Adult residents. Seeing if they will waive any fees since they will benefit off the food and beverage revenue.Look into a wine purveyor offering a wine tastingLooking into alternative location of the Yacht Club.

Christmas Luminaire Stroll

Create a walking trail around the neighborhood. Homes that wish to participate can offer refreshments and treats.Christmas Caroling for all who wish to sing by providing song sheetsOffer a cookie exchange for all who wish to participate

Maybe a resident will volunteer to dress up as Santa and take photos

Holiday Can Drive for local Food Bank

Maybe have can drive in the summer when the Food Banks are running low.


General Email to introduce the Committee and its objectives explaining what we are trying to accomplish by organizing: Easter Egg Hunt, Neighborhood Block party, Kids Car Wash for Charity, Garage/Yard Sale, Christmas luminaire walk with Caroling and Santa, Adult Social Hour as well as help match people with common interests into self-sustained groups.Interest Groups:Bunco, Bridge, Card GamesStarting a Sandy Ford Garden ClubLunch Group/Supper Club/Wine Club

Recipe Exchange

Neighbor helping Neighbor

Dog Walker/SittersBaby SittersCar Washers/Power Washers

Lawn Moving/Pine Straw spreading


Two weeks prior to Easter Egg Hunt email invitation to the entire community.Note our events on Community Calendar on Sandy Ford Web site

Two Weeks prior to Garage Yard Sale and Neighborhood Party send out information.

Current CommitteeNancy Hawkins, Sandy Simpson, Peri Summersell, Lynn McConnell

Linda Patterson, Pam Harridon, Mary Gammer


Neighborhood Relations: Last on the agenda was an item that Keith Hofmann is very passionate about; to create a positive relationship with the different age groups of homeowners. After good dialogue and concerns raised, Keith Hofmann and Rick Patterson, met on March 5th with a group to discuss these concerns in more detail. This information will go before the Board for consideration and recommendations.

The next Board meeting will be on April 13th at 3:30 in the Rock Creek Clubhouse. The next month the meetings will change to 5:00.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:05pm.

February 2015

Monday February 2, 2015
Rock Creek Clubhouse

Meeting was called to order by Keith Hofmann. All board members were present with 7 Homeowners and visitors.
Proof of due notice of meeting: Notice was sent via email and signage was placed 48 hours prior to meeting.

January, 2015 minutes were approved as written.


Financial update was provided by Kenny Hanak and approved.



Keith gave an update along with some additional modifications to the pond design. The good news is that the engineers have worked out the technical issues. The Board is now waiting for a response from the Insurance Company as to what cost they will cover. This could mean at least a good month delay before any work can begin.


After the POA got bumped from the Fairhope Council Working Session, Keith sent letters to each council member and the Mayor regarding the serious safety situation in Sandy Ford. The SF Board is still trying to get on the Working Session agenda in an effort to get some resolution from the City and their position regarding skateboarders. The Board will keep the Homeowners informed.


The Governance Committee is investigating the program with the City Police Department and will provide an update as it becomes available.



Proposed two changes to the Decor List and Compliance Schedule. The changes were voted on by the Board and approved. This change will appear in the SF Web Site.
Lot 113 was approved to have an aluminum fence installed which is in compliance with the C.C.R.”s.
The Homeowners of Lot 24 presented the Board with several issues regarding changes in the Architectural Decor list and Compliance Schedule. After a lengthy discussion the Board voted to go into Executive Session after the meeting in an effort to resolve this matter. In the Executive Session the Board unanimously agreed to withhold $1000 for each of the three items that were changed without approval.


The committee made three home visits for tree removal, one home visit for the posting of a landscaping business sign and the removal of two trailers.

The Board continues to receive complaints about dog “poop” being left at mailboxes and in the yards. Please be courteous to your neighbors and pickup after your pets.


This committee is currently working on two items; one is a Term Rotation schedule of Board members and the other one is reviewing the POA’s C.C.R.’s, By-Laws and the Fine Policy.


No report at this time.


Connectivity still seems to be a big concern of the Homeowners. A Board member has agreed to pursue this issue aggressively with the City to obtain this needed information.
Home Businesses is an issue the Governance Committee will investigate and give an update at the next Board meeting.

The next POA Board meeting will be on March 3, 2015. The time is 3:30pm in the Rock Creek Clubhouse.

Meeting Adjourned at 5:00pm.

January 2015

Tuesday January 6, 2015
Rock Creek Clubhouse

Meeting was called to order @ 3:30pm by Keith Hofmann. All Board members were present with 18 homeowners and visitors.
Proof of due notice of meeting. Mass email was sent out on December 30, 2014 and signs were posted 48 hours prior to meeting.

December, 2014 minutes were approved as written.


Kenny Hanak, presented a statement of Assets, Liabilities and Fund Balance for December 31, 2014. His report also included Revenues and Expenses year ending December 31, 2014. Both reports were approved.



Keith Hofmann, gave an update on where the POA is with actually starting the needed construction project on the North Pond. The developer and their engineering firm have been hard to nail down as to what that they think needs to be done to remedy the damage they believe has occurred to their land as a result of the problem with our pond. Our insurance company has been actively involved, along with our engineering firm, in an attempt to get some closure on this so we can begin construction. We have been told that any claims and/or cost associated with the adjoining property will be covered by our insurance and that any extensive changes to what we are currently planning to do on our property could be covered as well. While we could award a contract and begin work on our pond, it was agreed to hold off until we find out what, if any additional work, we may need to do. The Board hopes to hear more in the next week or so.


At our December Board meeting the Board approved placing signs on South Dr. and Keplar Place prohibiting skateboarding. It was later discovered that even though the Police Department had agreed to the signs, there is an ordinance against posting signs for longer than 30 days even on private property. The signs were removed. The next step would be for our Board to meet with the City Council to get the City to enforce 2 ordinances that are currently on the books. Keith Hofmann plans to follow up on this.


Bill Moore and Bill Sims gave an overview of a meeting they attended with the Rock Creek POA discussing the swim and tennis club project. After a brief discussion regarding the financial impact to our homeowners, especially at a time when Sandy Ford is facing an expensive construction project, the Board voted not to participate as a POA in the project. This does not prevent homeowners from joining the club after it has been completed.


Architectural committee, includes Keith Hofmann, Mary Gammer and Warren Baker.
There were two issues presented at the Board meeting; the home under construction on Cumberland which was postponed until the February meeting. The other issue was concerning the home design that the lot owner wants to build on Poplar Place. The original plans as presented to the ARC was denied. There was a lot of discussion from guest of the property owners and current homeowners residing on Poplar Place. It was obvious that this issue should go back to the ARC for further discussion. The Board unanimously agreed.

Governance Review Committee is chaired by Bill Douglass and Charles Niven. At the present time they are working on several issues one being the skateboarding issue. They may have more to report at our next meeting.

Landscaping Committee is chaired by Bill Sims, Mary Gammer and a new volunteer Joey Skaff. This committee will also re-institute the “Yard of the Month” award beginning in the Spring.

Social Activities Committee: Nancy Hawkins serves on this committee. Nancy tossed around several activities she is proposing, wine and cheese pot luck, bridge, poker and bunco games. Other events included were Mardi Gras parade, block party and Easter egg hunt. Nancy will continue working with the Board to develop these ideas.


Neighborhood Watch Program:

Due to some recent thief and vandalism occurrences in Sandy Ford the Board is going to look into the City’s Neighborhood Watch Program. Bill Moore and Rick Patterson will meet with the Police Department to investigate how the program is organized.


Again, several homeowners were very concerned about fireworks being discharged in close proximity to their homes. Even though the City Ordinance does restrict the use of fireworks to streets and sidewalks the debris and remnants of the fireworks could land on homes. The Board will continue to monitor this very closely.

Fly Creek:

Allow me to regress for a minute. An email was sent to all homeowners making them aware of a meeting with the City Planning Commission regarding a rezoning of the FLY CREEK PUD behind Publix supermarket. Even though this change does not affect Sandy Ford, our neighbors from Rock Creek POA were concerned that that the City may discuss the potential for connectivity to Sandy Ford and Rock Creek. Then another email was sent notifying our homeowners that this topic had been deleted from the Monday night agenda.There is an uncertainty as to what the City will ultimately approve to connect with our South Dr. stub roads. As it stands now, the Sandy Ford POA has been told that only one homeowner from the “Firefly PUD” will be using South Dr. The other stub road further up on South Dr. will only be used for emergency vehicles only. The Board will stay in touch with the City regarding this issue.


The next Board meeting is scheduled for February 2, 2015 @ Rock Creek Clubhouse. The scheduled time is 3:30pm.

There was no other business the meeting was adjourned at 5:15pm.


December 2014

Monday December 1, 2014 at Rock Creek Clubhouse

Meeting was called to order @ 11:30am by Keith Hofmann. All Board Members were present with 9 Homeowners in attendance.
November, 2014 minutes were approved as written.


Nominations were made and approved to appoint the following Board Members to these designated positions: President, Keith Hofmann, Vice President, Bill Moore, Treasurer, Kenny Hanak, Secretary, Bill Sims and Board Member at Large, Rick Patterson.


Kenny Hanak, presented a statement of Assets, Liabilities and Fund Balance for November 30, 2014. He also presented a proposed statement of Operating Revenues and Expenses report for year ending December 31, 2015. Major capital expenditures and repairs to the North Retention Pond are not included. Both reports were approved.


Architectural Review Committee had no activity for November.

Landscaping Committee received three bids for maintenance on the South pond. The lowest bid went to Sexton Landscaping at a cost of $2,300. The work was started and completed on Wednesday 26th.

More car/truck tracts have appeared on the common area at the main entrance. This destruction is costly so if anyone sees anything please call a Board Member.


Approval of 2015 Budget.

Kenny Hanak, presented a proposed budget for 2015 but it did not include any amounts for major capital expenditures and repairs to the North Retention Pond. Total Expenses are $37,800 with net income at $18,900. The 2015 Budget was approved.

North Retention Pond.

Jacob Cunningham, a resident of Sandy Ford and the developer of the Firefly subdivision adjacent to Sandy Ford had several questions and concerns regarding the repairs being considered for the old north detention pond. Keith Hofmann gave a very detailed update on the scope of discussions with our Insurance Carrier, the Engineering firm that will oversee the project and conversations with the City of Fairhope. After lengthy discussions and questions from the Homeowners a motion was made and approved to proceed with the proposed project at a cost of approximately $63,000. Three bids for the actual construction will be obtained by our engineering firm, who will also be hired to oversee the work. As was mentioned at the Annual Meeting time is important.


After several homeowners gave their concerns and remarks the main issue for the Board was safety for our kids and potential liability to the POA. A motion was made and seconded that signs would be posted December 15, 2014 on both South Drive and Keplar Place, in accordance with direction from the Fairhope Police Department, prohibiting skateboarders on those two streets. If problems develop in other areas of Sandy Ford further streets could be posted as well. If any of our homeowners have comments or other workable solutions please contact a Board Member before December 15th.


If anyone is interested in serving on the Architectural Review Committee or the Landscaping Committee please contact a Board Member. Currently these are the members: Architectural Committee, Keith Hofmann and Warren Baker. The Landscaping Committee, Mary Gammer and Bill Sims.

Two other committees were created as a result of comments at our Annual Meeting. The Governance Review Committee to review the integration of current CCR’s and Policies regarding Complaint and Fine Procedures. Also, a proposal to stagger terms for the Board of Directors and finally updating, if needed, our CCR’s and By-Laws. Currently these homeowners have agreed to serve: Charles Niven and Bill Douglas. If anyone is interested in helping please contact a Board Member.

The last new one is a Social Activities committee. Nancy Hawkins has agreed to serve. If anyone would like to assist her please contact a Board Member.

The next Board Meeting is scheduled for January 6th @ 3:30 in the Rock Creek Clubhouse.

There was no other business and the meeting was adjourned at 1:10pm.